Film Reviews by AB

Welcome to AB's film reviews page. AB has written 178 reviews and rated 193 films.

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Not as good as others

(Edit) 07/01/2018

Quite a boring animation, not nearly as good technically or artistically as any of the genre in the past 10 years or so.

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Poor compared with other animations

(Edit) 03/01/2018

Aimed at probably 10 year-olds, there was not much in background visual jokes to keep adults hooked. The parodies of Star Wars etc were too short to be of any noticeability and the storyline was far too predictable.

Good effects relating to Robot City transport etc.

Only watch if you have children to keep entertained but keep a book handy for yourself.

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Star Trek Into Darkness

Amusing, true to the franchise

(Edit) 23/12/2017

This is superb - for those of us who have followed the whole franchise from start to the latest, this is amusing, well-acted and fits in nicely with the step forward from the re-boot of the ST experience from the 'young' Kirk etc.

The actors who play Scottie and Bones are superb - the phraseology, intonations, mannerisms, reactions and whole demeanour are perfect for the development from who they are to who they will be.

The scenes are also well-scripted and blend in well with what is already known/what has gone before in the Tv series and films - the scene where Kirk is trapped in the radiation-flooded engine room contrasts perfectly with The Wrath of Khan. Poetic genius.

The timeline is a bit warped (eg the death of Pike, the details of the demise of Khan) but as the various fansites say, it is an alternative to the "Star Trek Prime" but it loses none of the impact.

Ignore the naysayers in other reviews here - sit back and enjoy and engage your brains to remember where all the ideas in this film originated from.

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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

One of the more erudite of the franchise - spoiler alert

(Edit) 28/11/2017

Amusing in parts, learned certainly with Shakespearean quotations and themes and watchable.

The best part though is that this version has the FULL film shown, particularly the last couple of scenes at the conference where the Klingon sniper is shown to be a human in disguise, thus showing that it was a Romulan/Klingon/Federation complete conspiracy. Without this scene, which is always missed out on TV showings, the storyline was incomplete.

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Star Trek: Generations

The Old meets the New

(Edit) 28/11/2017

The passing of the baton from Kirk to Picard via a (sort of) time vortex that makes everyone so happy that they do not wish to leave - except of course, star ship captains.

Introduces the Next Generation characters into the film franchise and links in well with the people involved in the TNG TV series and their ways of thinking and reacting.

Lots of holes in the plot but sad to see the loss of two of our favourite Klingons, a well-established Captain and *yet another* Enterprise starship crashing. They'll be thinking the name is now jinxed.

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Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock

Not much to like here

(Edit) 14/11/2017

As I have stated in previous Trek reviews, I like sci-fi and the franchise series and films but this is to my mind by far the poorest of them. Not much of a storyline (Kirk trying to find Spock for some spurious reasons), the Klingons wanting the secrets of Genesis, the Federation refusing to allow Kirk his project, but all in all a poor storyline, wooden acting, not as much humour as in the other films and lacking in emotional effects. Watch it to continue the sequence but as a standalone film, poor

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Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan

A mix of emotions

(Edit) 12/11/2017

The second in the Trek franchise but with a whole range of emotions associated with it. More gruesome than the series or films, sadness, light-hearted in places, original ideas with the Genesis project.

As a lover of all thins sci-fi, not my favourite film, not even my favourite in the Trek franchise but a pleasant film with few CGI effects and more of a storyline than others

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Star Trek 1: The Motion Picture

A bit thin now but after almost 40 years it is allowed to be

(Edit) 06/11/2017

Hard to believe that this was made in 1979 -I remember going to see it at the cinema.

Storyline is now well-known but was very good at the time and it still raises some hairs on the back of my neck in the final scenes down in VGER's centre.

As a franchise ST was way ahead of its time and so was the film - it and Star Wars really made science fiction a genre to be recognised, with the advances then in early CGI etc.

The Director's cut that I saw from here was not as good as the version I saw in the cinema as this version reduced the early encounters by the Klingons with VGER to the detriment of the excitement.

Still - I enjoyed reminiscing back to my youth.

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Overrated, even as a spoof

(Edit) 05/11/2017

Tries far too hard to be gross, over-the-top and being a spoof of a genre.

Not very amusing at all and struggles to be rated as a comedy.

Watch it, suffer it, then forget it.

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Keep watching - it gets better

(Edit) 29/10/2017

As said, Tom Cruise seems to do the sci-fi stuff more and more these days and this was better than most films that he is in (cf the rubbish that is Mission Impossible in all its guises)

The storyline was not bad and had me guessing a bit for a long time.

I basically liked the story and the soundtrack for the end-credits and main theme is fantastic

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OK but lacking something

(Edit) 29/10/2017

Knowing the sport from many years of following it, it comes as no surprise that brain injuries are prevalent in NFL players - very much along the lines of what is being discussed in rugby at the moment (2017). Low-key film with solid performances but I would have liked a little bit more science to have been part of the film, to help explain what was actually being talked about.

Typical big-business response about it all, especially the facts and the revelations as part of the end credits.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Good but missing something

(Edit) 24/10/2017

I love HP franchise and this was a different angle from everything else - the storyline was a bit contrived, a bit OTT, with no real back story and the magic was a bit over-played at times. Two things I noted about the film - one was the array of magical creatures, which could have been developed a bit more (by having less of them?) and secondly, Eddie R's speech and elocution left a lot to be desired - I couldn't hear what he was saying many times as he had the tendency to mumble. I like ER as an actor but he could do with some basic lessons again on speech, even in character. Overall I would recommend the film

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The Last Dragonslayer

Not sure where it is coming from probably best avoided

(Edit) 22/10/2017

A confusing film - it doesn't know whether to be a comedy, romantic, role-player, fantasy, teen-based, adult-based or what - and thereby fails in all fronts.

Simple storyline about a girl with magical abilities (or does she? or is she taught?) trying to find her mentor (who has disappeared - or has he?) in a strange world where cars exist (but they are also pulled by horses so confusing here as well), where television exists (but people live like serfs), where tank-like weapons exist but swords are the main magical weapon, in a kingdom ruled by some sort of half-wit.

This looked and felt like a poor 1970's children's Sunday afternoon BBC TV serial.

Two stars in my review is probably pushing it a bit

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The Keeper of Lost Causes

Tense, gripping, and actually believable

(Edit) 15/10/2017

I found this a great film - good acting, suspense-ful, even though you know mid-way through the film who the baddie is.

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Racing Stripes

Better than I thought it would be

(Edit) 12/10/2017

Use of a real zebra (zebras plural in fact in the filming) plus animatronics makes this a better film than I thought it would be. If a bit predictable, it still is good fun.

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