Welcome to AB's film reviews page. AB has written 178 reviews and rated 193 films.
An unusual fantasy world exists below London, populated by quirky characters - The Angel [called] Islington, etc.
Not a great storyline, with some poor sub-plots [even a murderous beast that looked more like a Highland Cow than anything else] with any suspense but watchable as you try to find out what happens next.
My only major gripe would be the series title: Neverwhere is a rubbish title and it should have been something like "London Life Below", "Underwhere" or something equally as odd to try and catch your attention.
A typical British film with subtle humour, nostalgia and quaint observations about the rut that a lot of people find themselves in. A lot of people will nod their head in agreement with the background storyline about the futility of life, especially as seen from restrospective point of view from us 'grown-ups', whereas these characters at least have the gumption to do something about their situations.
I must disagree with the review that publicises this film; "hilarious" it is not - depressing, yes; funny - no; amusing, quaint, quintessentially British - yes
Unfunny, but, horrifically, this could be the future given the level of brain power being shown by mankind at the moment
Very poor storyline, overly-brash and loud and depressingly prescient
Another Hollywood remake of a classic story that had its moments that lent an amusing slant - eg the scene in the Crusade battle where the unit is performing street fighting manoeuvres but instead of rifles they are doing "house to house" using bows and arrows. Not as bad as other critiques here but the CGI of Middle-Ages Nottingham - Just NO. On par with the Russell Crowe version as being 'different' without being ludicrous.
The storyline in itself is not that difficult to follow; what is difficult is, that unless you are au fait with the full back story of the characters Green Arrow, Flash and Supergirl, and their interactions (if indeed they do interact in "DC World") things become a bit confusing as to who is what and, most pertinently, where. Rather disappointing overall but has a clever trick of having episodes from the 3 series interwoven as one storyline, but my original statement overrides that as you could very easily have had 3 standalone episodes of a mini-series, given that all the characters are involved in all 3 'episodes'
Enjoyable thriller that has a few twists and turns as a gang of three, with very little information to work with, try and fathom what is going on from an overheard conversation in the pub, with the main protagonist relying on his non-visual senses to try and help and to drive things along.
Firstly, an admission - I had no idea that this was an Argentinian film - I thought that it was from Spain, but that is irrelevant.
A nice mix of love, crime, friendship, memories, ghosts, retribution, wondering, questions - all contained within a single storyline played out over 25 years.
Give it a viewing
I enjoyed this and it was a very acceptable thriller but I had two reservations - there were 2 back-stories that were not expanded upon that would have helped understand some of the storyline - the sly comment about baseball and the witnessing of the swamp shooting and, secondly, why did the murderer do the murders? A bit more meat on the bones would have helped the whole thing. Nice little twist at the end with the picture that lent an atmosphere of fantasy/supernatural.
OK - A slight third reservation. The step-daughter's name - why not pick something simple that could have been made out in conversation rather than distract people from trying to work out what the name is?
Not a manhunt in sight, more a slow-moving sequence of horses, wagons and a male/female attraction, all preparing for a showdown where you knew what would happen, but there were two twists in the story that made it more interesting than any other standard 1950's B-western.
What was the point of the Indians in the film? Or the Old Timer and his donkey in the way station? Two scenes that were meaningless, irrelevant and a distraction.
This film took far too long to even get started to keep an interest.
Acting was fine from Scott and Marvin but Gail Russell was going through the motions as an irrelevant appendage to the film and you could have imagined Doris Day or any other actress of the period doing exactly the same job, with the same script in the same voice.
With great character-acting from Alastair Sim and Margaret Rutherford, a typical UK film based on farce with amusing scenes and running jokes (vide the rugby posts/lacrosse nets). Great fun
Obviously, never having been in this position, I think that a spark of humanity would exist between 2 trapped people with some sort of common decency like trying to communicate to each other without shouting would be a basis.
Unsatisfactory and poor ending
Sandra Bullock got her part spot on in this film - uptight but beneath the surface is a rebel wanting to get out - and she was far better than I thought she was going to be, especially up against Melissa McCarthy, who does what she always does in acting the loud-mouthed slob, but both actresses help make the film, which was amusing in the most part and funny in others, with a storyline that helped everyone make the most of their characters.
Lee van Cleef is, this time, a baddie, leading a band of outlaws, but made to pay by a kid and a prospector.
Nothing special in the film - storyline has been seen many a time - so fairly predictable, but it has amusing parts in it, as well as unbelievable ones and saccharin ones. Good theme tune.
As other reviewers have indicated, not a shoot-em-up, explosive-ridden, chase, but a slow-moving, watchable, feel-good film with good acting, a plausible storyline ('mostly true') but some strands left unanswered.
Another unfathomable piece of rubbish from the Coen brothers. What started as a story degenerated into "is this really happening or is it in someone's mind?" It's about time people started confronting the Coen brothers and saying "your bizarre films don't impress anyone beyond your psychiatrists"