Welcome to AB's film reviews page. AB has written 178 reviews and rated 193 films.
Astonishingly complex, and even after reading the Wikipedia synopsis, I still cannot get my head around it all.
Watching it, all my brain was thinking was (a) The Temporal Prime Directive from Star Trek had nothing on this and (b) Dr. Who's statement of "timey wimey". Good luck in trying to understand it all (Without cheating via Wikipedia)
Amusing (but not *funny*) story about a no-hoper thrown into the world of Hollywood and murder. NIce moments but the character storyline *can* be a bit confusing as to who is what and why and how. However - a pleasant film with more positives than negatives
Excellent CGI but the characterisations are spot on - with a hint of musical humour that harks back to the original film. Poignant, heart-warming and a feel-good factor. Very highly recommended
IMO, one of the poorer offerings in the MCU - apart from the fairly wooden acting, my main gripe was the cinematic editing where a lot of the 'action' was filmed in semi darkness, making it difficult to see. Storyline was OK, if a bit tenuous and the film was a bit too reliant on CGI, but the start of the group action that is to follow.
As part of the MCU, there had to be a film about Thor - he is such a part of Marvel that it would be insane NOT to have one. The nice thing about this film (from an intelligence point of view) is that is introduces Norse mythology to the uninitiated, with a spot of sci-fi thrown in to explain it all (eg the Bifrost bridge, with Heimdall as a gatekeeper, enacting his powers as a seer of all things). Story-wise: not great, acting-wise: average (but enhanced by Anthony Hopkins and Stellan Skarsgard), CGI: OK (not as pervasive/invasive as later MCU films)
Poor storyline, poor acting, faux super powers, standard baddies (who like them all, cannot shoot straight). Pretty dreadful over all
Another film where Seagal gets to show off some martial arts, but not always the best way and an idea that has been done before (one man + a couple of mates against seemingly The World) but this one has a nice twist to the storyline that makes you change your allegiance
One of those - "This is cool, wish I could do that" type of films - a bit like a limited-ability version of "Loopers"
What I found most annoying was Jamie Bell's diction - I couldn't make out what he was saying a lot of the time, lazy acting to my mind, which means poor Directing.
A bit too much (pointless) leaping about
Storyline been done so many times before and better and this was actually uninteresting, even though it must have been one of the first of that genre.
Storyline is not new, action shots neither, the outcome - very guessable.
But, this is one of those films that make you wonder - "what if this was me?".
Enjoyable without being trite.
A really pathetic film, lacking in laughs, acting ability or storyline. Whoever funded this must want their money back
Albeit great with a single actor carrying the plot and scenes, the story was a tad confusing until the end, and even then not great.
A bit over-hyped but in the end watchable
A depressing view on environmental vandalism, taught through folklore and cinematic anime from one of Japan's top studios
Plausible storyline taking in history of the partnership with real political and historical lines to aid everything. I liked the way that Redford was a renegade whilst actually operating within Langley, putting one across the bureaucrats and suits
I liked this - the story has been seen before a hundred times in westerns (and other genres) but the pulling together of the sub-plots was enjoyable. Life was tough in those days and corruption probably rife, but there must have been good guys like the main protagonists to help build a huge country from nothing.