Film Reviews by AB

Welcome to AB's film reviews page. AB has written 178 reviews and rated 193 films.

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Need for Speed

A bit too nerdy for car geeks

(Edit) 24/02/2019

Although the cars are impressive (even I, not being *into* cars, would like to drive some of them just to experience the sensations) the storyline is a tadge too predictable with the token (and nowadays, predictable) woman in a lead role, but who doesn't actually contribute much, and has contradictions (Vide the scene when the car is 'helped' by the helicopter, and she screams like a girl, when she is supposed to be unfazed by the power of the driving of powerful cars). Not a bad film, just not great

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The Science of Sleep

Absolute drivel

(Edit) 14/02/2019

Pointless, storyless, incoherent drivel that only a psychologist, nay a psychiatrist, could fathom. A complete waste of time and effort to even put the DVD into a drive. Avoid like the plague

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Wedding Crashers

Funny in places and watchable

(Edit) 05/02/2019

Some amusing moments that were funny, some just amusing, thankfully not many toe curling scenes. I think that the whole cast must have had a great time making this and some of the out takes must be very amusing, blue-blooded and X-rated! Oh to be an actor who gets to rub Jane Seymour's breasts in the interests of making a film! Grandma had some of the best lines in the film as well. If there are teenagers watching it, I don't really think that you could make a career out of this, but you would certainly enjoy yourself!

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The Human Stain


(Edit) 03/02/2019

Ponderous, slow-moving, lacking in any sort of drama and even "the secret" is unbelievable, but well-hidden.

One for the psycho-babblers to enjoy and for 'arty' film buffs only

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There's Something About Mary

Rude, crude, funny

(Edit) 08/01/2019

I had absolutely no idea what this film would be about but its name is one that always crops up in reviews, conversations and lists so I thought that I'd watch it - far better than I thought it would be.

The plot you can get elsewhere but it has a bit of farce in it, sex jokes, lost love, toe-curling embarrassment and the two scenes with the dog had me laughing like a drain. Enjoy it.

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Before I Go to Sleep


(Edit) 07/01/2019

I found the film interesting, and set my my wandering - what if this situation occurred to myself or my wife, where memories had to be made each day?

Nice twists and turns in the film and I guessed wrongly!

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The Maze Runner

Good premise, poor adaptation

(Edit) 29/12/2018

Haven't read the books but this is "Lord of the Flies" meet "Cube". Too many open questions - before Teresa, why did no-one question why there were no girls, why not climb up the walls? Did the boys dream? If so, the same dream? Needed some intelligence in the script which was sadly lacking for a bunch of teenagers who would/should be asking a lot of questions and attempting to find answers. And what were the "Grievers" supposed to be? jailers? the bogey-man? Again, too many questions and too few answers. "The Cube" wasn't much better, despite both films having a great idea behind them, where viewers would actually want to be part of the whole setup as part of of "what if I ..."? premise

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The Matador

Pointless, un-amusing, no storyline. Not even a buddy-film

(Edit) 29/12/2018

I watched this the whole way through waiting for something to happen - which it didn't. Couldn't see the point of the whole film - neither character had any presence and why Brosnan's character would ever get to like Kinnear's (and vice versa) is anyone's guess.

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The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Overly reliant on CGI

(Edit) 08/12/2018

I like fantasy films but this one irritated me as it was far too reliant on CGI, with a love story that was beyond believable and which was there simply to make another storyline subplot, and that failed due to the all-too-formulaic "pretty girl sees beyond oddball's oddness"

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Emotional ride through the horrors of a war of battles

(Edit) 01/11/2018

A film that tugs at the tear ducts in the final reels and depicts (again) the bravery of men (in all of history) who go into battle knowing that they may not come out of it alive, whatever their beliefs and reasons for fighting. These battles were of the "close combat" type where fitness, training, adrenalin all played their part in keeping you alive, as well as camaraderie, luck and judgement. The battle scenes here will make you proud of men who fought in such conflicts, especially given that this film is based on fact.

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Go the apes!

(Edit) 01/11/2018

Was I the only one rooting for the apes in this film? Wonderful prequel to the genre, explaining Caeser's 'genesis'.

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Good fun

(Edit) 17/10/2018

I enjoyed this due to the anthropomorphic characterisation of the animals in the film - tune were pretty dire but it is a feel-good film about getting things done and getting them right. Who needs character development in a cartoon? It is simply a drawn version of a 'feel good' storyline that humans act in.

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Tomorrowland: A World Beyond

Complex to the point of being boring

(Edit) 17/10/2018

Far too complex to be watchable - your soon get very confused as to what is going on and is there a why? or a how? or a when? A teenage film only so perhaps they can explain what the storyline is really about - I think it is an eco-message but it goes about it in a long-winded way to get there, and even then it only surfaces at the end in a speech that lasts about 10 seconds from Hugh Laurie

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Welcome to Collinwood

A sort of Brian Rix farce

(Edit) 11/10/2018

Where things could go wrong, they do, in this film that is more akin to a farce than a storyline, with events getting in the way of everything the boys plan and try to execute.

Has its moments, good and bad, but overall an enjoyable film

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Winchester '73

A nice film

(Edit) 07/10/2018

My description of a "Nice film" is under-stated, but it is not a "great" film - the characters play out as they should for the timeline, and the titular gun does the rounds of people, but that storyline should have been played out a bit more in my opinion, as they were too many extraneous scenes. IMO, James Stewart was a bit wooden in the film, Shelley Winters was a revelation as everyone always thinks of her as an old, "mutton dressed as lamb" actress from her later years and Rock Hudson was unrecognisable. Perhaps a bit more historical facts about why the gun was so sought after might have helped explain the whole thing.

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