Film Reviews by DL

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You, the Living


(Edit) 07/06/2018

This film combines wonderful observation of humanity with brilliant imagination..each of the short sequences is very disturbing and, at the same time, very funny. The sequence at a formal dinner where groups of guests take turns to stand and lead the singing is mesmerising ..and throughout the film, the Director's use of a near static camera is hypnotic. I can see that some people will be irritated by both the style and the content..but take a risk..the film is more than worth it. There's a good chance you'll head for Roy Andersson's other films.

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The Death of Stalin

Very funny and hard hitting film

(Edit) 16/04/2018

Some people seem to have taken this film as a realistic portrait of the events..which, of course it is is a comedic version of what might have happened, given what we have since learned of the nature of the Stalin regime.

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