Film Reviews by AA

Welcome to AA's film reviews page. AA has written 10 reviews and rated 20 films.

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The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Nicholas Cage Retires

(Edit) 02/06/2024

Nicholas Cage isn't afraid to make fun of himself and though some parts where cringy and he did end up on top, It is a Cage-y movie where he comes out on top. It's not that serious, with the normal Nicky Cage theatricals, where he over acts, car chases and action bits. He knows he over acts so it make it funnier. There are some teary bits but it is pure light entertainment. Bravo, Nicky! Good job.  If you liked Nicholas Cage films and just want to be entertained this may be worth watching. Just don't have any high expectations.

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Citizen Kane

Five star because of commentary by Roger Ebert

(Edit) 24/11/2020

I'm giving it five stars because the actual film is probably only worth about four but watch it again with the commentary by Roger Ebert, and you'll get your money's worth and see it in context. It's kind of like a guided tour.

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Revengefest with beautiful people

(Edit) 24/11/2020

A simple plot, and fairly predictable. It is pretty gory and hard to believe the characters would survive that but the camera shots are beautiful, and so are the last two standing. The types are handsome man, desperate coward and fat man, and beautiful girl turn Tombraider - or the Huntress.  I think the last scene went on for too long, but hey.  

Is it worth getting? Well the beautiful people appear naked in it and the ugly people keep on their clothes.  

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Sons of Anarchy: Series 1

Very dark humour

(Edit) 17/07/2019

If you want some mindless watching with a laugh out dark humour running though this is for you.Katey Sagal formerly the wife in Married In Children is a class act. She is brilliant and so is Ron Perlman, Dayton Callie and a few of the other older actors who know they can't act the script straight so they give it some humour.  It can be gruesome in some bits but also laugh out funny, better than a lot of sitcoms out there. The suspense is also good. 

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2001: A Space Odyssey

Innovative for it's day.

(Edit) 07/11/2018

I watched it over two days and yes it caught my attention but only because I'd read the book. However I expect in it's day, with a huge cinema screen it would have been fantastic. However the story line from 'conception to infinity' still makes it one of the best sci-fi movies ever made. So even though it was a tad boring etc, I could still appreciate it.

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Respectful and watchable.

(Edit) 25/07/2018

I wasn't sure with all the hype what kind of movie it would be but it was far tamer and on the respectful side. There was no judgement in the movie - just this is how life is. The actors brought dignity to role but there wasn't really much left.

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The Best Man Holiday

Overall good movie to pass the time.

(Edit) 23/01/2018

It's a nice easy watch with one of my favourite actors Terrence Howard. I know, I know, I know...the dude likes to act stereotypes in these movies, but I love him and some. Morris Chestnut was looking hot too, so was Eddie Cibrian. Then I kept thinking Harold Perrineau was Chris Rock but then this movie is too low budget for Chris Rock until I found it was Harold Perrineau. Couldn't say much for Taye Diggs - he's a bit creepy so whatever.

Okay the story is pretty much about reconciliation, forgiveness and life and death. Its sad in some parts. Very sad. Monica Calhoun gives a stellar performance and so does Melissa De Sousa, who had great comic timing. Nia Long was cool.

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Girls Trip

Only if you have time on your hands.

(Edit) 14/01/2018

I was surprised Jada Pinkett-Smith in a script this bad. Like seriously. Plus her casting was not age appropriate, just saying. And it showed. It really showed.

Tiffany Haddish was great and talented but could not compensated for a bad script. It felt like a huge commercial for the Essence Festival plus a predictable story line. I was expecting more a road trip with plenty of drama. Yes, there is some drama, a few shock toilet comedy moments, GREAT DANCING but not sure. Just glad I didn't see it in the cinema, it wasn't worth it. So borrow it, if you have the time or are curious.

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Get Out

Over hyped.

(Edit) 14/01/2018

It's an interesting premise. Good horror moments, and you'd be probably thinking twice about going to visit folks. The film probably could have stood on it's own without the race element, but hey it's a good way to fill the time.

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Mother's Day

Easy to watch without being taxing.

(Edit) 05/01/2018

This is a really easy film to watch with no issues, no deep problems and everything is shiny and happy and smiley. There is nothing taxing about this film, it's probably shallow but at times that's what you need. It cheered me up.

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