Film Reviews by mg

Welcome to mg's film reviews page. mg has written 5 reviews and rated 24 films.

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The Railway Children Return

Somehow it works

(Edit) 03/02/2024

The original film had a feelgood factor to it and so does this film. It offers nothing new but if you liked the original film then there is nothing here that you will dislike

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Another Round

I'll have another round

(Edit) 03/02/2024

There aren't too many films that you will think about long after you have watched it. This is one of them. Maybe it will depend on your age and that your male but I might have entered into this agreement. This is thought provoking and challenging stuff. Maybe it's best not to have a mid life crisis

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It Happened Tomorrow

Interesting film

(Edit) 03/02/2024

Great idea. Well executed. Now can someone release the very similar 90's TV series Early Edition in the UK.

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The Repair Shop: Series 1

Just relax

(Edit) 03/02/2024

This is the ultimate feeling good TV programme. It just leaves a warm glow in your heart. There really can't be anyone who won't enjoy this

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Better than expected

(Edit) 03/02/2024

So a film based on an album by the underated Neo Prog Rock band IQ. It should be awful but it isn't. I would listen to the album or the live album first and then watch this. Very interesting.

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