Film Reviews by Rob S

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Slow and a bit dull

(Edit) 23/06/2008

I really wanted to like this film. It starts quite slowly as all of the characters have to be introduced and the state of their live's explained in order to set the seen for the main plot point. This comes about 30 mins in when the men, out on a fishing trip in the middle of nowhere, find a dead girl's body in the river. This is the best bit of the film as the acting at this point is very good and conveys the harrowing nature of such an event. The plot takes a turn here as the men decide not to head back immediately and report their finding (there's no mobile phone signal out there). When they do get back a couple of days later, there's a big fuss and newspaper articles etc. The men are frowned upon and one of the wives takes it upon herself to try to make up for her husband's misdomeanor by trying to comfort the family of the victim but is not welcome (the girl was aborigine). Whilst all of this is going on the killer (who was introduced at the beginning of the film) keeps popping up all over the place (although not sure why). You might think that this would then turn into a murder mystery but it doesn't, it sticks with the personal relationships of the main characters and drags out a fairly thin story over the remaining time of the film.

It is quite unusual for us but we even thought of switching this off before the end as it was just dull, but we did stick with it in the end.

So, it's a fairly interesting story but very slow and drawn out with quite a few loose ends that never seem to be resolved, leaving you quite dissatisfied. My rating is 2 out of 5.

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Not a classic

(Edit) 30/06/2008

A strange one this - Great idea, some very good execution with clearly a great deal of effort going into the filming - but somehow just left me a bit cold. There are some good scenes, just not enough of them and there aren't enough scary bits or shocks. The shaky camera work didn't bother me too much and kind of put you in the middle of things, but there are too many far fetched things going on here that just wouldn't happen in the real world.

Overall entertaining, but not a classic and not really worth seeing more than once.

The most annying thing is the extras as you cannot view the making of featurettes unless you watch the film and then click when the icon comes up. Really annoying trying to spot them on fast forward. I must say though that the ones I did see offered an interesting insight.

Picture quality is good but not reference standard and the sound was OK, but again nothing spectacular.

Rating 3 out of 5

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