Film Reviews by MB

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An Elephant Sitting Still

Best film of the last decade?

(Edit) 11/07/2019

Yes, it's slow. Yes, it's a four-hour Chinese art film. But put it this way - I sat down at half eleven one night, absolutely knackered, just to sample the first half hour and felt compelled to watch the whole first part (105 mins) in one sitting. And I could happily have gone on and watched the rest if I'd had the disc. It's a simple story of folk in a crappy northern town, but it evolves in a fascinating and totally unpredictable way, with the camera kept up close and personal to each of the four protagonists, so we're brought into their subjective space in the most intense and convincing way I've ever experienced. The dialogue and acting is sharp and naturalistic. It's a powerful bellyache from an incredibly gifted filmmaker.

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