Film Reviews by MAT

Welcome to MAT's film reviews page. MAT has written 9 reviews and rated 13 films.

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Isn't It Romantic

I loved this film

(Edit) 13/11/2020

When it first started I wasn't sure but once it got going I so enjoyed this film. I might even go so far as to say it was beguiling. :-)

So many nods to all the romantic comedies of the past and quite a few laughs of its own too.

If you want an easy going film for a quiet evening, this is perfect.

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Bad Boys for Life


(Edit) 22/10/2020

I thought this film might be fun but in fact it was just a little bit racist meaning it was not fun at all. How can a film, in 2020, think it is OK to be racist as long as it is black people making nasty, stereo typical comments re "white people"? And not a small studio piece either, but Will Smith and Sony.

So no, I did not like this film at all and cannot recommend unless racism is something you enjoy.

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High Life

A Thought Provoking Film

(Edit) 31/10/2019

I like to mix and match the films I hire, a comedy here and an action adventure there, but also the occasional wild card like this one.

And I enjoyed it. It is well made, has good acting and has a believable setting and premise.

I was almost put off by the bad reviews but as I quite like Robert Pattinson decided to add it to my list in any case and I am so glad I did as the story is an intriguing one of how humans treat humans and how they in turn are treated affects how they treat others - if that makes sense.

The isolation is key, hence the setting, and the screaming baby so many complain about is not actually that bad nor does it go on that long, but in any case is important to the plot even if that is not obvious from its positioning right at the beginning of the movie.

So perhaps not a movie for the faint hearted, what with an agitated baby, a couple of rapes and bit of masturbation, it is not a disturbing film because of that and instead is an interesting study of the human condition, which of course is always disturbing.

I therefore recommend this film to anyone who wants to see something a bit different.

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(Edit) 22/07/2019

A very different film, made more enjoyable because of the unusual way you are lead through the story.

So if you fancy something less run-of-the-mill but still with good performances and an engaging story this movie is well worth a go.

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Not bad but a bit too much Spanish

(Edit) 15/03/2019

After I came to terms with the large amount of subtitled Spanish and yes I can read, it is just that it interrupted the flow of the humour, I quite enjoyed this movie.

I always like Anna Faris but in this movie she was under used, the male lead (who is a huge Mexican star apparently) getting all the best lines, which sadly makes the film less good than it could have been, The male lead also could have done with being a bit younger and more of a hunk to get best value out of Faris, but I guess he was key to getting the movie made at all.

But, all that said, I did still rather enjoy it and if you want a bit of light weight silliness this is good value, but the premise could have been so very much better which is why a star is knocked off the rating.

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Great Stuff

(Edit) 24/01/2019

This movie was so much fun, real Saturday morning picture's stuff.

Monsters, good guys, villians, know-it-all military and an evil scientist. Plus buildings coming crashing down left, right and centre. All of course, very tongue-in-cheek.

Highly recommend if you fancy a romp that you do not need to think about too hard.

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Ideal Home

An Unexpected Treat

(Edit) 24/12/2018

I came across this film accidently simply because it starred Paul Rudd, and what a treat. A story of love and friendship and family, put together in an unusual way, focusing on a gay couple suddenly landed with a youngster.

Great acting and a heart warming storyline, thoroughly enjoyable and I recommend it to anyone who fancies something a bit different.

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Avengers: Infinity War

Well I liked it

(Edit) 24/12/2018

Having watched all the preceding movies, I enjoyed this bringing together of all the loose ends in two one combined world. It is part one of two, so the ending of course is not really an ending as we have a final serving to come, but it did set up the next one nicely.

You need to see all the other movies first of course, but suspend belief and you will have a ball.

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A Ghost Story

A Beautiful FIlm

(Edit) 23/04/2018

I saw the mixed reviews and started to watch this film with a heavy heart, fearing I was wasting a rental - but I thought it was wonderful. The camera work and the setting of the scenes was beautiful and i could not take my eyes off the screen,

And as for the pie scene, I understood that completely but then I am a widow having lost my husband far too young also. I still remember that feeling of simply not knowing what to do, the emptiness, not knowing how to even begin to start coping, and that is what that scene conveyed - and all the ghost could do was watch. Very moving.

So please, do not let the reviews saying this movie is slow or boring put you off.

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