Film Reviews by MC

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A Prairie Home Companion

review of "A Prarie Home Companion"

(Edit) 16/10/2017

I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It harks back to a gentler age and is at times may be a bit corny but the humour is lovely and gentle, not laugh out aloud. All the participants in the show know and really care for each other. I really enjoyed the country music. At times it is corny but is meant to be corny and is just funny. A lovely feel-good film, and you will be humming the music for days.

You can also hear the director and actor talk over the film as an extra. I enjoyed this too.

Rent it. It will really cheer you up!

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(Edit) 15/09/2015

You are led to understand that the film is in Spanish. IT IS NOT. IT IS DUBBED WITH AN AMERICAN ACCENT WHICH IS REALLY DISAPPOINTING. I would not have rented this film if I had known. I am sure it loses something in the translation.

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