Welcome to PC's film reviews page. PC has written 2 reviews and rated 376 films.
Can a movie be spectacle alone foregoing all other considerations? Godzilla vs Kong poses that question and in the humble opinion of this reviewer the answer is a resounding no. Undoubtably Godzilla vs Kong is heavy on spectacle with a ton of marketing mens summer blockbuster movie selling points. Monster vs monster fight... tick. Monster vs robot monster fight.. tick. Explosions.. tick. Journey to the centre of the earth.. tick. More monsters.. tick. The CGI bill for this movie must have been about 99% of what was probably a sizeable budget. A real shame then that no one thought to buy a decent script and plot with something more than shallow characters. Indeed no one thought to add anything that would have made this movie meaningful, exciting, engrossing, captivating or made me feel anything or think anything other than, wow, thats a-lot of CGI. The cast are quality, I love Brown in Stranger Things, but the poor script and heavy effects eclipsed any chance that they might deliver performances I cared about. If you ignore this review and watch this movie anyway just be advised that you can check your brain in at the door, you wont be needing it here.
One star is being kind to this appallingly bad film. Its an insult to First Blood. Stallone should be truly ashamed. Badly scripted, characters with no depth at all, xenophobic in the extreme, a plot that makes no sense other than to set up a very bloody finale, it feels like the film was written in reverse.
Some years ago porn film producers realised they didn’t need 60 minutes of bad acting to fill out their films, they could just cut to the chase, thus ended the porn film industry. One day Stallone might realise he can do the same and then viewers wont have to suffer the rubbish he produces whilst waiting for the action gratification they came for.
Somehow I knew it was going to be bad but thought it would be worth finding out... I was wrong.