Welcome to sw's film reviews page. sw has written 37 reviews and rated 57 films.
I watched this for what it is, non stop action.
parts remind me of den of thieves and Heat mixed with speed 1.
its a big budget movie. lots of plot holes and people making daft decisions but i really didn't mind.
if you like action then its worth watching. I loved it even with the annoyances.
if your a fan of the films im sure youl love it. if you've not seen the films youl still like it if its your type of thing. Theres lots of connections to the films.
great chucky wit as usual.
great series!
If you like movies in the in the style of kill bill, smoking aces, snatch, then im sure youl enjoy this one.
brad pits character and acting is great.
its a serious film but has comedic moments that dont spoil it at all. theres not really anything I didnt like about it.
I wont go into detail as dont want to give anything away about the movie.
If you like suspense horror films or trapped films then im sure you will like this. simular to dont breath and the collector. doesnt get boring and Keeps you wanting to see what happens next.
short review so not to give anything away.
great film, if youl like war films similar to black hawk down then im sure youl like this. the second half is pretty much none stop action. on edge of your seat action. the first is getting to know people and how the situation was there.
acting was good and decent budget.
im a fan of the 1990s stand.
ive watched the first disc of this new version and im pretty sure i wont watch the rest. its soooooo boring!!! the 90s version seemed to have a more mad max feel to it where this version focuses on the characters having long conversations and just doesn't feel the same. after the first episode i started fwding when characters got into deep chats.
if you like dramas then youl probably like it but for me ill give up lol
its pretty much the same movie as alive but nice to not need subtitles. parts of it get a bit boring but overall if you like virus, zombie, trapped type films then im sure youl like this.
I loved the first 3 seasons then they went and changed the show runners (people in charge) so season 4 sucked and ive only watched disc 1 of season 5 but thats enough for me to quite watching the show.
if you like season 4 im sure youl like 5 but if like me, you didn't like the changes then i doubt you will like 5.
all the reviews online say its an amazing film.
im sure the sci fi purists will love it as its shot very well with believable sets.
as a normal film goer who likes everything, I found it so boring i turned it off. I was expecting somthing like interstellar but instead its like a slow drama.
if you enjoy films like blade runner youl probably like this.
the film starts off well and makes you think your in for a decent second half of action but no.
I was expecting somthing simular to the saw movies but this is more like a rubbish version of nightmare on elm street with an ending that makes you wish youd turned it off half way though.
if you like disaster or the Abyss, trapped type films im sure you will enjoy this. i hadnt watched any trailers and glad i didn't as i think its better not knowing much.
pretty much non stop tension action and big budget. one of the best films ive seen in ages.
I randomly came across Lasso and thought it would be a low budget film but was pleasantly surprised. its a capture, escape chase type film and does it well. lots of action. some of the gore bits wernt great and i fast forwarded some of the start where animals are on screen but thats just my own taste. but it wasn't enough to put me off. the acting was fine for what it is. the filming quality was decent so id recommend watching it if your a horror fan.
I was really looking forward to watching this as her character is suicide squad was so cool.
but i swear her voice or the way she talks is different in it. the whole film just seems weak.
after half the movie i started forwarding bit by bit trying to get to the end quicker.
i would try and be more helpful on why its bad but i honesty cant pin point anything because i didnt like any of it.
wish id listen to all the bad reviews on imbd that id read.
casting was good, acting was good. budget seemed big. lots of zombies throughout and effects are good so I really dont understand how this movie is so bad!!!!
so boring and you never get invested in any of it. i didnt laugh or jump or get scared or worried for the cast. i just watched it thinking this should be so good but its rubbish.
honestly if like me you still watch it after reading all the bad reviews, if you dont like it after 20 mins then turn off and save your time because it doesn't get better.
if your expecting pulp fiction or similar then youl be disappointed. most of the film is about great acting, sets and scenery.
im sure its all great if you like that sort of thing but i wanted more like pulp fiction so i fwded though most while stopping at bits to pick up the story and characters. then watched the last part.
watching it the way i did let me really enjoy it without been annoyed like other people. i can see why so many people dont like it. but the end is so cool!!!