Film Reviews by RM

Welcome to RM's film reviews page. RM has written 35 reviews and rated 45 films.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Series 2

Now onto the serious stuff!

(Edit) 08/02/2024

Unlike the first series there are no "comedy" episodes (so far), I found them refreshing, both the below decks crossover and the rock opera with Klingon rappers. This offering is far darker with subjects as racial (genetic) prejudice explored, I've only gone through the first two disks and I'm awaiting the third to see what goodies are to come, I may update this review when I see what follows!

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Better than expected by a mile.

(Edit) 08/02/2024

As the fifth episode I wasn't expecting much but Dial of Destiny proved entertaining, the baddies are bad and the goodies are good, the flashback beginning was entertaining and when it got into the "meat" of the movie we got the clichéd and usual fight scenes atop various vehicles and Indies phobia of insects slipped in for good measure, no spoiler alert here, the ending scenes were different and still predictable with a great twist.

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Battle Over Britain

So wrong in so many ways.

(Edit) 18/01/2024

I accidentally saw this film in France, it is so riddled with errors it becomes a comedy, these Spitfires seem to have an inexhaustible amount of ammunition, when in reality they had enough for sixteen seconds of fire. Combat range of 410 miles ,although these seem to need any kind of refueling!

for a so called WW2 flying expert he seem to know little about aviation.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Series 1

Better than expected by a mile.

(Edit) 11/07/2023

I really didn't expect much from this series, but I'm pleased to say it had me gripped, lots of variation in the story lines with tributes back to other series, the "fairy tale" episode reminded me of the Q episodes and the fantasy wild west ones combined with the holodeck malfunctions, a truly memorable story.

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The Nan Movie

Not a load of S***!

(Edit) 01/07/2022

Really good screenplay, a typical British comedy in the same mould as films like The Bad Education Movie. Don't exspect Holywood gloss, it just isn't needed just funny stupidness with a good tale full of flashbacks to a younger Nan and her sister with romance thrown in for good measure.

Fans of Catherine Tate and Nan, just sit back and enjoy, WHAT A F***ING LIBERTY!

Spoiler alert DON'T look at the stills from the film before you watch it!

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Long and complex film of a long and complex book.

(Edit) 16/10/2021

This film has been around so long it really needs no descriptive reviews. I enjoyed watching it again the acting is superb from a long list of highly respected performers. but the pre CGI green screen and matte effects looked so dated. Given the age of the material I rented this in 4K just to see how well the original production stood up, unfortunately it didn't and really only deserves Blu-ray at best. So the three stars are not for the content or acting but for remix onto 4K that really didn't add anything.

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Peppa Pig: Peppa Visits America


(Edit) 28/08/2021

Pepper pig can't visit America as Covid means she wont be let in, unless she travels via Mexico and stays there for 14 days. Besides she would need a live animal import permit.

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Roald and Beatrix

Not bad

(Edit) 15/06/2021

Nicely done, very entertaining, although Dawn French was playing dawn French playing Beatrice Potter.

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Bill and Ted Face the Music

A most bodacious and excellent film.

(Edit) 11/03/2021

Totally silly fun, The idea of the guys daughters being so clone like was genius! A totally ludicrous story line that held together well all about misunderstanding and desperate timing, a sure fire recipe for a comedy, it would be impossible to write a full review without spoilers, so just watch it and make your own minds up. PARTY ON DUDE!!!

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Jurassic Thunder

One star is just too generous

(Edit) 30/12/2020

My son was given this for Christmas, in case you are in any doubt no it's not "that" Jurassic franchise. Bonkers story line, useless "acting" and even worse "special" effects. Give this one a wide birth, say 200 miles. So bad it's only available on DVD!

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Lady and the Tramp

Dog loved it

(Edit) 26/12/2020

Excellent rework of the old classic, saw this during a free trial of Disney + and am now eagerly awaiting it's DVD release. Very well acted and voiced and the CGI is first rate, some of the original songs are used with some new ones to boot. Not to be missed!

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The Personal History of David Copperfield

Had to give one star, zero is not an available option.

(Edit) 03/12/2020

Utter tripe, tried to watch it twice and fell asleep each time, third time unlucky! Casting was unbelievable, Dickins was NOT Asian and this is an autobiography loads of black "additions" to the cast that just wouldn't have been their at the time, yes we all know they would have been on cotton plantations in the American deep south but showing so many blacks in Dickensian London is just racist denial . The only credible portrayal was Hugh Laurie as Micawber. Armando Iannucci should stick to what he's good at, sketch shows because this is what he has attempted with this, and it doesn't work. a truly painful watch, it doesn't work on so many levels.

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Jojo Rabbit

First rate film!

(Edit) 03/06/2020

This is a watch it twice film, you just take in all the gags in one go. The acting was first class, and it was very pacey Waititi's physical humour was evert bit as good as the gags and Wilson and Sam Rockwell rounded out the Nazi side perfectly. All round a great watch and I will be watching it again, can't understand the negative reviews, maybe they just don't get it?

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47 Meters Down: Uncaged

47 metres really!

(Edit) 03/03/2020

The deepest a recreational diver with a lot of experience can dive is around 30 metres, you will need to go through decompression procedures. forty seven meters needs specialist equipment and knowledge, not a bunch of air head blonds!

Also the film would have no entertainment value as the water at that depth would be pitch black, zero, zilch light.

Haven't seen the film but have made many dives, one dive won't be to watch this fiction.

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Guardian of the Universe

No it's not that film.

(Edit) 23/08/2019

Not to be confused with guardians of the galaxy, the successful franchise this rubbish is trying to sit on the back of. The film quality is truly awful as is the "acting" and story line almost as bad as the mad scientists fake beard. This is really one to miss..... By a mile!

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