Welcome to DjayBee's film reviews page. DjayBee has written 7 reviews and rated 1273 films.
Is it actually legal nowadays to ignore hard of hearing people and produce DVDs / Blu-Rays without subtitles?
The main concept just doesn't work on screen (or the director fails to make it work). There is zero character building. I have, without exaggeration, never heard dialogues that bad in my life. No actor direction. Terrible terrible ... Avoid at all cost.
Very interesting idea. Charlie Brooker could have developed it into an interesting episode of Black Mirror. Unfortunately, Jessica Hausner is not able to structure into a convincing narrative. It feels repetitive and predictable. Some themes are heavy handed and the over indulgent and not very subtle aesthetic (color coding…) just emphasizes the shallowness of the whole exercise. Such a waste of good actors.
Potentially interesting context and characters but too little happens, plus the movie awkwardly oscillates between genres.
The first film is okey-ish.
Main storyline had potential to be interesting but unfortunately is not developed properly.
The other """"films"""" are extremely annoying, un-interesting, self-indulgent and pretentious.
This is a fantastic movie by one of the most interesting directors there is.
Please, pay no attention to the reviews above. Especially the one recommending fast-forwarding the beginning of the movie
This is a crucial scene! Miss it and you will no be able to understand the main character and the story in general.
Casting for Valerian was totally wrong. Once that terrible decision was made, it was impossible to save the movie.
The storyline was ok (thanks to the original great comic material which pre-existed Star Wars and inspired Lucas), the dialogues were laughingly bad. I suggest employing proper writers rather than relying on Besson's "wit".
Main actor, on top of being wrongly cast and having poor lines was terrible. Even Cara Delevingne was better.
Some visuals were ok, not groundbreaking (mostly cut and paste from many other movies).
SFX felt a bit botched occasionally.
How can such an uninspired director who hasn't made a decent movie in a long long time access this kind of budget is mind boggling.