Film Reviews by DB

Welcome to DB's film reviews page. DB has written 8 reviews and rated 67 films.

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47 Meters Down: Uncaged

As Bad As I Thought It Would Be

(Edit) 14/06/2020

Awful, just awful.

A bunch of blondes dive into the abyss and scream their way through the whole film.

A great white shark has a girl in its Jaws and gets shot with a flare gun, let's go of the girl and she is just fine.

Another girl gets clamped into the Jaws of a great white and scares it off by stabbing it with a shark tooth which she miraculously pulls out of her pocket.

I mean honestly, is this the best they could come up with??

Don't waste your time with this one.

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The Dark Tower


(Edit) 14/06/2020

Having not read any of the books I can't compare anything to the film.

I thought it was OK though, half decent storyline and I didn't dislike it.

Worth a watch I think.

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First Man

Boring Boring Boring

(Edit) 12/05/2019

I was a bit wary of this film before I rented it and after being bored out of my mind for over 2hrs it turned out I was right.

Lacking in any kind of interesting action or excitement it really is a very dull uninspiring film.

I am yet to watch a good film which involves Ryan Gosling.

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Inferno: Skyscraper Escape

Dont Bother

(Edit) 08/04/2019

If you are looking for a good film to watch with a cracking storyline, great actors with plenty of exciting action and a thrilling ending then I seriously advise you not to watch this film.

Storyline awful.

Acting awful.

I only ended up watching the whole film so that I could have a good laugh at just how bad it was.

You will waste 1 hour and 30 minutes of your life if you watch this film.

You have been warned.

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(Edit) 31/01/2019

Not much to write about unfortunately.

I was quite looking forward to seeing it having missed at the cinema but now I can see why it wasnt shown for very long.

First we found it was subtitled and then a very very very predictable story line.


The wolf was good though.

Thats about it really.

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How Did This Win An Oscar?

(Edit) 31/01/2019

Talk talk talk talk talk.

This has to be one of the most boring starts to a film we have ever watched.

We didnt have a clue what was going on - was there a story line??

We gave up after about 20 mins as there was no point watching it.

Well done to Mr Washington for remembering all of those lines but not entertaining at all.

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Blade Runner 2049

Whats All The Fuss About?

(Edit) 14/05/2018

Having not seen the first Blade Runner we were quite looking forward to watching this.

Big Mistake, what a disappointment.

We thought the film would have been full of action but it was boring boring boring.

Why was everyone going mad about this film at the movies?? Just dont get it at all.

Very little action, boring script and it got turned off before the end as we couldnt take any more of it.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Bit like watching Harry Potter

(Edit) 13/03/2018

Enjoyable film, good for a family watch.

All good fun with tricks and wizardry throughout the film. Eddie Redmayne played the part well.

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