Film Reviews by AB

Welcome to AB's film reviews page. AB has written 39 reviews and rated 625 films.

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Awful ... Not worth my time

(Edit) 23/08/2021

How very very disappointing , was really looking forward to watching this film .. I spent a lot of time in Lyme Regis as a child and adult fossil hunting . I grew up knowing about Mary Anning .. This story is a hypothetical look at her life not much about her and the story behind her fossil hunting .. Gave it one star not because it was a bad film but i was mislead into thinking it was the life story of Mary Anning !!

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Awful !!

(Edit) 13/02/2021

What awful awful film. Come on Russell what's happened to you so disappointing ! Violent nasty film !

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True History of the Kelly Gang

What utter Rubbish

(Edit) 09/08/2020

Was really looking forward to this film .. Great cast but what were they thinking .... i waited for the story to improve but i just was chaos .

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(Edit) 07/04/2020

JUST A AMAZING FILM . Uncomfortable , disturbing , violent , mental health

Not for the faint hearten . Left me reeling sadness , not often films get me but this on did 110%

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OK but depressing

(Edit) 01/02/2020

Well acted but a film full of misery and no hope.. Even the weather as expected was wet and depressing.. Interesting tale but just very sad..

It was a sinister tale of greed . Mine owner right nasty piece of work .. You really wanted a happy ending but sorry folks , we were left to wonder what happened to the young girls ..

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The Score


(Edit) 10/11/2019

What a awful boring noisy uninteresting film ... Not worth the watch i fell to sleep . Very dissapointing as i like Gary Oldman .

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Tulip Fever

Enjoyable .

(Edit) 28/07/2019

I am not one for romantic movies but this one wasn't to bad .. I love the architecture and the costumes .. Good cast and quite a interesting story..

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Over acting !

(Edit) 07/07/2019

Sorry but i was really looking forward to this film . Nicole Kidman is not my favorite actor but usually in good films .. This was not a good film . Nicole seems to whisper her way through the film , if wasn't for the other characters i would of turned the film off. Not me I'm afraid .

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At Eternity's Gate


(Edit) 09/06/2019

I can't say i enjoyed the story as very bleak .. But it explained a lot about Van Gogh . Willen Defoe was excellent . What a twist to this story at the end . If interested in art and the stories behind them , then you will enjoy this

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Mortal Engines

Really good film.

(Edit) 01/06/2019

It was a really good story , kept out interest right to the end. Full of actions great fun . I think the critics got it wrong on this one excellent entertainment . Worth the watch .

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I liked it !!

(Edit) 27/04/2019

After reading the reviews on this film , i wasn't looking forward to it .. But hey i really enjoyed , may laugh a few times.. Very tongue in cheek . I think Tom Hardy was enjoying himself .. Good Friday night movie ..not to be taken seriously so enjoy it ..

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I liked it !!

(Edit) 27/04/2019

After reading the reviews on this film , i wasn't looking forward to it .. But hey i really enjoyed , may laugh a few times.. Very tongue in cheek . I think Tom Hardy was enjoying himself .. Good Friday night movie ..not to be taken seriously so enjoy it ..

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Lost the will !

(Edit) 21/04/2019

We both really looking forward to watching Peterloo , but in all honestly just got bored.. Such a interesting part of our history , made boring .. Good actors and some wonderful characters , but still couldn't get into the story .. All very one sided politically .. Sorry Mike Leigh not for me

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Robin Hood

I fell to sleep

(Edit) 13/04/2019

Really looking forward to this film , but total disappointment .. What shame to spoil a good old fashion story, it really doesn't need updating .. I felt it was political as well .. Would like to see what others think of this film

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Bad Times at the El Royale

I loved it !

(Edit) 31/03/2019

Wow interesting film .. Starting to think is this worth me staying up to watch , but i highly recommend this film . Twists and turns all the way .. Not what i expected , jumped out of my skin a few times .. Not for the faint heart! We loved it

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