Film Reviews by AB

Welcome to AB's film reviews page. AB has written 39 reviews and rated 625 films.

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The Boston Strangler

Great film ...

(Edit) 23/03/2019

A film before it's time .. I have seen this before but forgotten how brutal it was .. In the days before Dna or mobile phones... This killer murdered in Boston but in different areas so the Police had no way to forward information as no Computers .. Amazing how the Boston Strangler was caught .. Good watch Curtis as you never seen him before .

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Robin Hood: The Rebellion

Load of rubbish

(Edit) 01/03/2019

What awful film so awful it was like a carry on Robin Hood film ... if you are a fan of Robin Hood films do not put this on your list really not worth it !

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Great film ...

(Edit) 24/02/2019

Didn't know what to expect but this movie took me by surprise.... Good acting this film should win a few OSCARS . The ending sits up and smacks you hard in the face .. I didn't expect that . Hard viewing at times and upsetting .

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Silly film

(Edit) 10/02/2019

Sorry not for me a awful film .... i just didn't find it believable i also got bored with it . Shame because it was based on a interesting true story which they should of kept to .. Not me i'm afraid . Hope Helen Mirren finds a better film next time .. She was utterly unconvincing !

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Good scenery

(Edit) 03/02/2019

Sorry but this film was awful ... awful acting ...boring plot just didn't do it for me .. One saving grace the scenery kept me watching it . Make up artist must of had some fun it was good it was just the acting what a shame ..

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Black Panther

Awful waste of my time

(Edit) 19/01/2019

we both hated this film .. we were really looking forward to watching it but wow what disappointing film.

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The Post

Great film

(Edit) 14/01/2019

We weren't expecting to enjoy this film after reading a few of the reviews .. but we both found this really interesting .. Streep and Hanks kept up a pace where you couldn't or shouldn't get bored .. Loved the ending

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Great film ...

(Edit) 28/11/2018

Loved this film and what a wonderful story .. Interesting facts about the disable and how far we have come since the 50s

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The Dinner


(Edit) 11/11/2018

Awful sound track and really not a very interesting film .. So that is all i have to say on it . PS if that was my restaurant i would of asked them to leave !!

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Sweet Vengeance

Just a little silly ...........

(Edit) 10/11/2018

Not sure what to say wasn't sure if was mean't to be funny in places but we did laugh at some of it .. Not that good a film all bit nutty ..If nothing else to do on the weekend watch it other than that don't !

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Thor: Ragnarok

I love this film

(Edit) 20/10/2018

I love this film in fact we both enjoyed it .. Didn't take it's self seriously . Great actors all tough in cheek . entertaining all through..

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Goodbye Christopher Robin

We loved it

(Edit) 07/10/2018

What a story really enjoyed this film .. I wasn't really looking forward to watching it but once on got hooked into it .. Worth the watch !

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Nasty but well done !

(Edit) 01/10/2018

I was dreading to watch this film after reading all the reviews... but i can't say i loved it but it kept my interest all the way through.. I rate it a horror film .. The actors helped the plot but just got a little silly in the end...Class it as horror then you know what you are getting ..

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The Mountain Between Us

I liked the dog !

(Edit) 16/09/2018

Not such a awful film i thought it was going to be not great either .. Watched until the end as the acting ok but really not very interesting. The dog held my attention all they way through as i thought they may eat him . Very clever at finding dry fire wood not sure we ever saw them light a fire but one always appeared..

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I fell to sleep

(Edit) 31/08/2018

What a load of rubbish .. kept going but really could not be bothered then i fell asleep.. awful film but such good actors what went wrong?

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