Film Reviews by The REAL Film Cricket

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Twenty Bucks

About the Correct Amount I Reckon

(Edit) 31/08/2024

Apparently, this film was created after Leslie Bohem found a script stashed away his father Leslie had written in 1935. The story while unusual is not entirely original, there was a film made in 1942 called ‘Tales of Manhattan’ which had a similar theme albeit about a topcoat. What Twenty Bucks really does is use the money as an excuse in writing quick vignettes about various characters that have no bearing on each other. Unfortunately, the writer here tries to weave their tales in and amongst each other in an unlikely series of events that means no character gets any real development or depth.

For instance, Brendan Fraser’s character pops up in and out of the other players’ lives and I think we are supposed to feel sympathy for him and the circumstances the bill leads him to, but the way it is played, and written makes him an ignorant, dozy, airhead that his fiancée did well to dump.

Easily the best section involves Christopher Lloyd and Steve Buscemi who effortlessly play two sleazeball criminals from different ends of the scale, Buscemi the grubby conman, and Lloyd the calculating, murderous but cool and collected robber. Unfortunately, their interesting, violent, and fun story is too soon over, and we never hear from them again.

What we do get is an annoying and unlikely vagrant old lady and dipping in and out of Elisabeth Shue’s burgeoning writer tale and Brendan Fraser’s thicko.

The film is dotted with high-profile cameos, some bizarre and odd, Gladys Knight was obviously asked to do ten minutes on set, and William H. Macy is wasted but it was nice to see David Schwimmer not being Ross and showing he could act other than gurning and over-reacting on Friends.

Some of the younger actors are definitely ‘acting’ and it can be seen how they have developed over the years from this 1993 effort, there is a lot of ‘nines’ here that should be dialled back to ‘six’ at least. The levels are great, Lloyd and Buscemi, to poor, the stripper Melora Walters.

The cinematography and locations fit the story and characters perfectly and the script despite my reservations about the story is on the whole natural and does not jar you out of the viewing as many films do. As the film reaches the conclusion things get more convoluted and unlikely and the late Spalding Gray as a priest is probably in the film's only genuinely amusing scene but overall, Twenty Bucks both succeeds at what it is trying to do and fails.

The story is original for the time but is not if you watch enough films. Trying to be the average life of a twenty-dollar bill makes it an extraordinary tale about some almost spiritual coincidences and due to the cameos and little windows into character’s lives, I did not invest in any of them or care about them.

Twenty Dollars was worth making and is worth watching but I would never watch it again and like a grubby twenty-dollar bill you might pass over the counter in a ‘store’ it is soon forgotten.

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Robot Dreams

Should Have Charged the Batteries Up Earlier

(Edit) 19/08/2024

This film has no actors or voice artists in the credits because there is no dialogue. Apparently, some of the on-screen noises were made by Ivan Labanda but no credits were given.

The film therefore lives and dies on its animation, here it is of the cutesy style instilled with realistic situations, so anthropomorphic animals live in New York but like every stripe of beast the real inhabitants are.

The open montage of Dog making Robot is superb and reminded me so much of making furniture and other items that have been delivered to me over the years, it was, I would say, perfect.

From here on in you get what is basically a love story with friends who become firm friends and get into adventures but then end up in a difficult situation that sees them separated and from there on in what happens.

To the writers and director’s credit for a cartoon that youngsters can watch the story resolves fairly realistically, or non-Hollywood.

So saying the story was interesting and adult in style, fun and sad, and the animation was good where is the problem?

Length and meandering.

Being subjective to get from the Start A, to the resolution of say G, the story goes to every letter in between when to get the point across it could have been A to D at the least.

To sum up, what started as interesting and fun at the beginning, started to lag seriously in the middle, my attention wandered, but picked up near the end. I would say this was a huge minus point on what was a fun, well-made, interesting animation, telling a different story that a lot of adult viewers could relate to.

Maybe worth a watch and if your viewing patience is better than mine, all the better for you.

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Prince of Darkness

Bringing Ultimate Evil to the World....but possessing tramps and few witless students.

(Edit) 09/08/2024

Prince of Darkness was made when the director John Carpenter was arguably at his strongest. His reputation of making cheap slashers with thin plots and unknown actors appear better and more robust than they were went before him. By the time this film was made, Carpenter already had Halloween under his belt, Christine, Starman, Escape from New York and Assault on Precinct 13 to name but a few. Here Carpenter again appears to be working on a low budget with mainly unknown actors, save for Pleasence, who was never a snob about the type or budget of a film, and was a previous Carpenter collaborator and a guest starring Alice Cooper.

The problem here was Pleasence was such a sure-footed and solid actor every time he appeared on the screen it showed up those around him. The supporting cast tries really hard and you can almost see the sincerity on their faces but it is obvious that in the majority of cases they are there to be victims.

The setting is mainly the abandoned church where the evil washing up liquid is discovered and straightaway we are put in mind of Assault on Precinct 13, one location and trapped group of ‘goodies’. In this case, they are a motley crew of student physicists, we have this underlined with the incredibly clunky dialogue of Lisa Blout’s character explaining Schrodinger’s Car to another character. In fact, all of the student's dialogue seems stilted and unnatural from the get-go.

This is not to say that the film is not an attempt to ask an interesting question about the very meaning and origin of what we consider evil. Scientists and a priest teaming up without major falling outs and trying to work together is certainly something that is not seen too often. But it seems as we go on Carpenter succumbs to the cheap thrills of meaningless murders, odd zombies and possessed people whose purpose is confusing to say the least.

Characters do the same thing that characters have been doing in these types of films for years, wandering about looking for missing people on their own, slowly turning around so they can be murdered, the standard level of stupidity. Here it gets very tiring.

To be fair it is not utterly witless, the beetle-man is fun although anyone who knows their insects knows that those are beetles and not cockroaches.

The cinematography and sets can hardly be mentioned in truth. A lot of dark or semi-dark shots and at some point it seemed to be the sets from the police station used in Hill Street Blues. Lots of wood panelling and doors.

Nothing much really happens particularly as the film goes on and in the end you are secretly placing bets on who survives and who does not and what happens at the very end. We all know when evil is beaten it is not by now.

All in all, Prince of Darkness was a great idea that with a bigger budget and a bit more time spent on it could have been a good horror film. Here it was cheap and looked like a TV series glued together and without being overly critical or mean the acting looked like 1980s TV show acting.

I did not really care about the characters and their fates and I did not get frightened that Satan’s dad was going to come out of his mirror door and do, well who knows what, to the world and mankind. There seemed to be no suspense or peril throughout.

Prince of Darkness was like The Thing meets Assault on Precinct 13 and as good as that sounds it was entirely the opposite. A good chance wasted.

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The Big Hit

Art Can Set Anyone Free.....It Really Can.

(Edit) 26/07/2024

It has to be said that this French product about an absurdist play by an absurdist playwright seems to be equally as absurd.

Truth be told all the main actors play it straight and realistically, making the tale fascinating and fun. I was particularly impressed that the prisoners, from all backgrounds and ethnicities with differing convictions are presented in a balanced way. There are no histrionics, no instant fighting and knife fights, just normal reprobates in prison who eighty percent of the time are just human. It is refreshing and immediately catches your eye. I could imagine how Hollywood would show this. Honestly, this film in the form you see could not be made in the big-star, big-director system. It is too low-key, and dare I say too subtle.

Apart from a few outside establishing shots, and some on-coach action, the main scenery, cinematography, involves six men in a room or cell. Therefore, the acting, the drama and the comedy have to hold your interest.

It does.

In particular Kad Merad, as Etienne, is wholly convincing as the world-weary actor who takes on jobs to pay the bills. But no matter how weary he is he is passionate. Merad plays this to perfection.

The inmates all have backgrounds and characters we are slowly led into, subtly. It is lovely. The writing and acting are so good I liked every one of them but at no point would I trust them.

Marina Hands the main female character, in a way a thankless task, representing authority as the governess, more than holds her own in a role where she has to draw the line at steely authority but also working miracles because she really wants the men to be more than they are. Again convincing.

Equally impressive is that we are shown six months of rehearsals, where nothing is easy and the prisoners have to understand and realise that acting is not quite the hilarious jape it appears. Things that happen that cause them problems are not instantly, heroically or otherwise, overcome. Simply put this film is not ‘pat’.

The prisoner's tiredness at their situation and the way they are treated despite their obvious talent is shown with a gentle touch and not the huge vulgar hammer blow framed by exposition that can ruin films, and like Beckett’s actual work there is more on display here than you first see. Like his play's protagonists, the players are trapped in seeming eternity, unable to move forward without someone watching, guarding, and detaining them.

As I have said previously a great strength in The Big Hit is that it does not condone or praise the criminals or how they arrived at incarceration, but does show how their punishment does not solve their problems and how art, albeit just a one play, can bring joy, fun and even a sense of freedom from their daily grind.

Art is important, I can say it, my artist/creative friends say it, and this film shows it entertainingly and skillfully.

Even more absurdist this story, including the left-field ending, is based on a true story – I could not believe it when I found out – and an event that Beckett himself found out about and said something similar to “This is the perfect thing to happen to my play”.

I highly recommend this film.

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Might Need the Machine Itself to Remember this Film Once You've Watched It

(Edit) 15/07/2024

Peter Dinklage undoubtedly can play characters with some great weight of responsibility, guilt or other highly emotional heft on his shoulders. He is superb at it. So far so good and just to add to the burden, on his shoulders, he carries this film.

It just as well because despite the acting and compelling story what he is really at the front of is a fairly standard murder-mystery-thriller wrapped up in science-fiction. The memory machine just being a replacement for 'Detective Exposition' that rolls up in these films normally.

This is not to say Rememory is a bad film, it is not, but it is placed front and centre as a science-fiction mystery and without the unlikely and huge plot-hole machine it is not really that.

The story unfolds in a convoluted fashion and characters seem to be motivated to do things just to prolong the story and make it more confusing. So many characters seem to have some dark secret or problem that the memory machine uncovered that it would have been obvious to any corporation/scientist that this needed further work.

Peter Dinklage’s character seems to be trying to find one important thing out but it really is something else. There is a slight twist near the end that might make you sit up if you were not paying attention but really every character seems to skipping past and jumping over plot-holes.

The acting in general is strong with Dinklage remorseful and sad like he has a great weight on his shoulders and his foil Julia Ormond as the scientist Dunn’s widow, matches him with a quite different but believable and sympathetic character.

The film's main threads are regret, guilt, remorse and redemption right there, front and centre, as you would expect a film dealing with delving into a person’s memories to be. The problem is this has been done before and after and much better. There seems no need to twist the story up in a murder mystery that had to be solved and to add a plot device memory machine, whilst raising interesting questions, seemed a bit like lazy writing.

The cinematography, overall acting, look and feel of the film are good, although the memory machine seems a bit PlayStation 4, but there are few glaring leaps of logic. In particular a thing that has to be addresses delicately, Mr. Dinklage is a well-known and superb actor that never lets his size affect anything he plays, but and it is a big but, he is a little person and carting around a memory machine, being a mystery man that no one seems to know who he is or what he is doing, not one investigator/questioner says ‘Oh yeah it was a little fella, you can’t miss him’.

Overall Rememory will not stay in my memory for long and the subject of the story could have been treated in an entirely different matter and still drove the point home.

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Dune: Part Two

I Can't Think Why It's Called Dune?

(Edit) 08/07/2024

It is fair to say that Denis Villeneuve has an unerring eye for science-fiction/fantasy on an epic scale and as such would surely have been the only person up to directing the much-vaunted, exceedingly difficult-to-put on the silver-screen, Dune.

For the record, I have tried to read the Dune novels but perhaps they are too epic for me but I got some way into them but never finished. So, I am not a massive fan steeped in the lore. This I believe helps. It is impossible to not read opinions about either Dune movie before watching them due to their size and publicity. It seems to be there are only two views, 10 out of 10 will brook no criticism, or 4 out of 10 not the novels, missed ‘this stuff’ out.

I think I am in the middle somewhere. I really enjoyed the first film showing those in charge, the aristocracy if you like, in an epic story and they were not a-holes. That is good. The battling and death were epic and extremely violent, although military tactics, like so many films, seemed a bit 9-year-old in the sandbox with toy soldiers basic to me. Does no one sneak about and use tactics in these places, ever?

Dune: Part Two carries on where we left off, Paul, played with ease by Timothy Chalamet, who has the world at his feet at the moment, is now ensconced with the ‘Freman’ and although not fully trusted is part of their movement. Supported fully by the impressive and very believable Javier Badam and despite the sincerity of all characters involved my overriding feeling was ‘religious nutters’ – in real life, they would be ISIS or some right-wing conservative Christian supremacists.

As much as I like Dave Bautista and Stellan Skarsgard the baddies in this story are too bad, ridiculously psychopathic with immense armies, and it is clearly shown how immense they are, who obey everything they say despite the fact they might kill any one of them for no reason at any time on a whim. Ceausescu anyone?

The pacing focuses way too much on the machinations of the Freman, interspersed with a few raids on the baddies, which seemed a bit too easy, as the invaders seem hopelessly incompetent. So endlessly traipsing around deserts whilst story-building may keep some interested but my attention started to wane.

The ending ties everything up neatly, and to my mind seemed like childish wishful thinking for those who think the world is fair. Everyone got what they wanted, all those who had to die met their ends at the hands of those they had wronged – genuinely this took me out.

The special effects, cinematography and huge story are to be applauded, the acting ranges from believable great to a bit no-energy and perfunctory, I preferred one of the actors when he was traipsing around Bristol recently, and the story for all its adult-orientated serious world-building of political and religious intrigue also had moments of childish simplicity that took me out of what I was watching. Was it originally Herbert or the scriptwriters? Honestly, I do not know.

Dune: Part Two simply put was watchable, very well made and continued the story in a linear and understandable way, but at times it was a bit too ‘really?’ and it was way, way too long. Also, religious nutters do not heroes make.

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Two Minutes is Once Again a Fun Time to Have

(Edit) 23/06/2024

River was created and made by the same folk, Junta Yamaguchi directing, who made the highly original and amusing ‘Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes’ which is a personal favourite of mine. Looking at the surface of River you can see it is a story about people caught in a two-minute time loop, the problems it causes, and how they get out of it. So far, so very similar. But, and this sounds positively ridiculous the two films have little else in common.

Like Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes, River has a roster of likable, charming and in a lot of ways realistic characters. They all inhabit a film that is actually concise and short, a little over eighty minutes, but whereas the first film takes place within the confines of a café and apartment here we are transported to a beautiful rural area.

Aside from the engaging acting, the comedic and almost slapstick moments the strength of the film is you really do not know why what is occurring is happening. Firstly, those affected do not spend most of the film confused, not believing what is happening, but very quickly come to grips with the unlikely circumstances they are in. This moves the story along and also, for me at least, makes most sense, once something as weird as this happens a few times you are just going to accept it, no matter how unlikely. Then no matter what you think is going on you will probably be wrong, in fact, the paths you are led down are superbly fooling for the entire story, and that is all I will say.

The ending itself, which I cannot describe for obvious reasons, made me laugh out loud and I suppose you could say it might be a ‘cheat’ but I loved it.

If River sounds like a slight comedic fantasy romp about time problems then you could say it is but what has been done so wonderfully through the story is the real-life drama of how we treat each other, what we fail to do, how we should behave to our friends, it gives the story a dramatic twist that perhaps you did not see coming and rounds out the characters even more. Despite the fantasy, they are real, well-rounded people.

River is a wonderful film to watch, I guess it is a style that some would not like, but if you have seen Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes you will love this. It is well-acted, features a stunning and beautiful location, and some detailed and realistic characters for you to empathise with.

Just in case you are not sure, I really liked this film.

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The Ballad of Cable Hogue

Comedy is a very difficult thing to make - this proves it.

(Edit) 03/06/2024

The Ballard of Cable Hogue looked at from a distance could be said to be a tale of the Old West transforming into the Modern West starting off with parched stagecoach passengers and ending with cars and motorbikes. It also touches on friendships, revenge, well sort of. Directed by Sam Peckinpah, who is usually associated with over-the-top blood-splattered violence with very few laughs, it was a surprising effort from the director.

It has to be said it has not aged well. I have to say I am not an old person in the 2000s looking down on films from way back in the past and judging them because of different times. The film was made in 1970 when I was eight and I would probably have seen it on TV about five years later. I think I would have laughed as a 13-year-old but it has not stuck in my memory like so many other films from that era and it has not aged well like so many have.

Peckinpah's Cable Hogue tale is much more gentle and although violence is there, comedy is closer to the surface. Played by Jason Robards, who was at the time right in the midst of his well-noted alcohol problems, the character is the lynchpin of the film, all else fails without him. It is to Robard’s credit that Cable Hogue is an enjoyable and fun hobolike figure that despite his gruff manner and rough ways is likable. Amazing teeth for someone who never looked after himself too.

The story starts off well and you would have been excused for thinking it was a reasonably serious film then suddenly it veers off into Benny Hill territory with close-ups and ‘flashbacks’ to Stella Stevens' cleavage and animated winking Indian Chief on a dollar bill as Robards character realises what the shimming and smiling Stevens character is and he wants to pay for her services. Soon after we get a ‘comedic’ escape. It jars, is not particularly funny and seems as if it is from a different film. Also the Benny Hill speeded-up film – come on, it worked on the Benny Hill show but in a feature film for laughs?

There are problems from the minute we see Stevens as she is clearly the film's ‘eye-candy’ and her breasts plumped up are the co-stars. Then she gets to have an entirely unconvincing relationship with Robard and we are off into ‘what exactly is this film about’ territory again. The soundtrack in the film for the romance sequences is called Butterfly Mornings and is worse than the sequences itself. I presume a producer’s relative wrote it and it had to be included. Awful.

David Warner is also strong in the role of the lecherous priest and gives fun support alongside stalwarts Strother Martin, playing the same role he always did and Slim Pickens to name two. The landscapes and cinematography and look of the West is very good and gives you a feeling of that time but the flaw is the film and story itself.

The Ballard of Cable Hogue is a mess of a film with forced and unfunny humour, an odd story that is about revenge, greed, corruption and the end of the Old West that would have been better fixing a tone from the start and concentrating on perhaps just one or maybe two themes. The acting of the leads is okay, Stella Stevens is basically treated as a sex-object, breasts and bum on display, and Jason Robards is strong enough to carry what entertainment I got.

You cannot help feeling that Peckinpah was trying to be very different from his reputation but he tried too hard.

For some reason, this film gets a lot of love and praise from fellow film watchers. I cannot help feeling this is partially to do with the director.

For me, Sam Peckinpah or not, I will never watch The Ballard of Cable Hogue again.

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The Holdovers

He Might Be Grumpy By You'll Enjoy His Company.

(Edit) 28/05/2024

The holdovers is so, so, much like the 1970s films I used to catch on BBC2 on Saturday night as a teenager when everyone else in the house was out. The only thing missing was a young Bud Cort playing the pupil. Now this might seem like a humble brag about my film opinion credentials but it has to be said the makers stuck up a faux AA film certificate and seventies logos for Miramax and Focus Features so you are sort of given the biggest clues possible. I must say that director Alexander Ryan and writer David Hemingson have hit that nostalgic nail squarely on the head.

We are not getting anything earth-shattering in what we see as the story unfolds but it is familiar, it is made very well and happily familiar. Touching, funny and poignant in equal portions as you watch you know what is going to happen, how Giamatti’s character is going to evolve along with Sessa’s and probably how things will end. The joy of the whole film is getting from point A to point B. Even at over two hours in the running, it was worth it.

Paul Giamatti’s character Hunham could easily be a parody, or very pantomime like but it is to his credit, his skill, as an actor that even at the beginning you can sympathise with him, even though he is being an arse. Likewise, the impressive ‘newcomer’ Dominic Sessa holds his own against Giamatti and never tips over into stereotypical. Da'Vine Joy Randolph’s Mary is the glue that holds the tale and indeed the men together as she suffers unbearable sorry with dignity and a few home truths. Even Sessa’s argumentative and unappealing classmates are portrayed well on the screen alongside the two more pantomime-like villains, the parents and the headmaster. Everyone you see seems to be on their A game and that has to be a testament to Ryan’s skill as a director.

The Holdovers as a story will not be hurried along and for the first hour we are getting the groundwork for the finale. Sometimes this can be tiresome but in this filmmaker and cast’s hands not so.

With spoiling anything, as in real life, what you see is not necessarily what you get and people can and will do things you do not always suspect.

The seventies locations in Maine and Boston are perfect, apparently on location the real winter set in and the snow you see is genuine. Everything about the film says 1970s without forcing it down your throat unconvincingly.

Truthfully I could watch this film again right off the bat and everything about it was enjoyable, the cinematography, the directing, the acting, the writing, all fun and very touching. Paul Giamatti is on top form here closely followed by his fellow cast.

Highly recommended.

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The Rover

Fed-Up Eric Didn't Quite Cut it as a Title - but using my nickname didn't help.

(Edit) 13/05/2024

If you asked me to succinctly sum up The Rover, and yes I know how ironic that is, I would say it was ‘a realistic Mad Max’. Like the original George Miller dystopian lawless take on a collapsed future, it is set in the dusty abandoned Australian Outback and features a relentless and violent protagonist. The films part ways here though with The Rover giving you Eric, superbly played by the always impressive Guy Pearce, is what you could imagine a character like him would be.

Eric is not interested in conversation, anyone else’s problems, or telling his life story, so basically apart from one small exposition it is left to you, watching, to make your mind up. What has happened to the world, we do not know, we know there is an attempt at law and order but basically where the film is set is worst the Wild West at its wildest.

Here, for some, is the film’s weakness, you do not have any detailed back story, just a dirty unpleasant fellow, and he is, determined to get back a car for no reason you are given. He will, and does, kill people for it.

For me, this film, and type of tale, was perfect. The focus of the film is Eric and Rey, Robert Pattinson moving on very firmly from the Twilight series, and both actors give strong believable displays. The costume and makeup are perfect, at no point did I believe they were nothing more than scummy, dirty, murderous, survivors. Pattinson in fact has the harder task playing the somewhat simple and naïve Rey, twitches, and blank looks, this can look like a parody or become tiring but Pattinson pitches it perfectly. Guy Pearce compliments this with a tough, mean, dirty, murderous man, but unlike most films in this style at no point did I think he was indestructible, tougher than anyone else or could not end up dead by the end of the film. He was just a man, placed into a horrible circumstance, who could handle a gun and knew what he wanted to do.

Director and writer David Michod is refreshingly not frightened of silence and a character we focus on who just does not like talking. But for all the grim, dirty, bleakness, somewhere at the heart of The Rover is the tale of alienation, cruelty and despair that is thrust onto people who could be just like you and me. Guy Pearce’s Eric slowly thawing to Rey, and it a small thaw, lets us into little glimpses of his ‘post-collapse’ world.

The car chase early on in the film sets you up for what are about to see, it is probably nothing like you have seen before or after and all the better for it. Add in a fantastic music score by Antony Partos and the whole look and feel of the film is enhanced. Equally important and impressive is the cinematography by Natasha Braier, production design, Jo Ford and art and set decoration which are as important as the acting and directing, all women I am pleased to say.

The Rover, much like Eric, gives you glimpses into its world but in the end you have to take in what you are watching, make your own mind up and either go along with the journey or not. I feel everything in this dirty, horrible film that makes me really like it is exactly what makes others hate it. It most definitely is ‘anti-Hollywood’ without being made for that reason.

The ending is perfect, you think you know for a split second at the reveal why Eric wants his car back and even that rug is pulled from under you. It is perfect and just underlines the tale to a tee.

I recommend this film if my views above appeal to you but if you like clean-cut heroes who cannot be beaten and Robert Pattinson as the clean-cut romantic hero, in a story where everything makes sense, and is laid out for you to enjoy then maybe give it a miss.

I loved it.

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Woman at War

A Middle-Aged Woman Outsmarting Everyone? Whatever next!

(Edit) 06/05/2024

I am not a connoisseur of Icelandic films but I have seen two in fairly close succession and before we get to my opinion of this particular film you have to be aware of the style of films they appear to be. Without doubt pacing is slower and histrionics and big showy acting is out. But from the two films I saw I definitely got a feeling that somewhere behind the nuts and bolts, the making of the film those responsible were quietly chuckling. Woman at War is billed as a drama comedy but Lamb was not, yet somewhere there was a smile in the making, even amongst the dark and weird storyline.

Woman at War certainly has a smile throughout, it is not belly laugh or silly but the makers, whilst trying to get a serious and earnest point across definitely do not take themselves ultra seriously. Just to underline this the background music is provided by a trio of Icelandic musicians who sit in the background playing their instruments and watching the action and slightly reacting to it. Later on, they appear to be joined by Ukrainian traditional singers in traditional costumes, the story and the financing is partly Ukrainian. Quirky and I found it funny but I can imagine it could annoy other viewers.

Benedikt Erlingsson the director and writer, alongside Olafur Egilsson, certainly makes no bones or disguises where he lies when it comes to the environment and the role big industry currently plays in the world. Is it biased and only shows one side of the coin? Yes it is but the truth probably leans more towards his viewpoint particularly in the six years since the film was released.

Very much like Lamb, the film has an unsung star and that is the beautiful, civilisation-free, scenery of the Icelandic Highlands and anyone who thinks that this part of the world really needs powerlines, industrial buildings and all the trapping those bring perhaps needs to see the side of the coin presented here.

The film centres around our main character Halla played with a natural ‘everywoman’ energy by Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir, and without her magnetism and believable display Woman at War would sink into the mire of the category non-English language forgettable. She also doubles up as the unlikely and massive, obvious, plot-point twin sister Asa.

Whilst the tale of an unlikely fifty-year-old eco-warrior blowing up powerlines, escaping modern policing, and tracking methods is wholly unlikely it is enjoyable and as the film meanders along you do begin to wonder if there is a point to the story or if it is a demonstration film for potential aggressive and let us face violent environmentalists.

The McGuffin that drives Halla to make fateful decisions and ponder on her path is the adaptation of a Ukrainian orphan who has no family due to war. The problem was this device, this driver of the story is in a way a serious point and the path taken by Halla and her sister is so unlikely and ridiculous, considering how much Halla wanted to adopt, that you feel the director/writer dedicated little time of thought to this part of the story.

The normal-person Mission Impossible action is great and shows how you could avoid detection but Halla is not indestructible like Tom Cruise, needs help and only just gets away. It is fun and well put together. Likewise, the Icelandic makers do not shy away from the seemingly inherent racism of some of their people by having a running ‘joke’ where a Colombia bicycle tourist keeps getting hauled in by the authorities, the implication being because he is brown, not Icelandic and near the area he has something to do with it.

If you like to see films made from other cultures and country's point of view then Woman at War is a good film but if your patience with the pacing and speed of storytelling is short be prepared for the fast-forward button to be used.

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Better Living Through Chemistry

After a week or two you'll get this mixed up with about six other films when you try to recall it...

(Edit) 22/04/2024

Better Living Through Chemistry does not tread any new ground even for the year it was released in 2014. After all, if you regularly watch films how many times have you seen the quiet, underconfident, down-trodden male character, and it usually is a man, turn things around and become a swaggering lothario or similar? Frankly, it is a lot.

The only difference for this or any other film is what causes this dramatic change in the lead character's life, how they respond and deal with it, the effect it has on those around them, the outcome, and of course the cast, if it is strong then the film is usually more watchable.

So, we have Better Living Through Chemistry.

The lead is Sam Rockwell therefore the film will be worth watching as he has on-screen charisma to spare and always livens up proceedings. He is ably supported by an unrecognisable, at first, Olivia Wilde who does well with a well-worn role that at least has a slight wrinkle in her story path near the end. The other main character is Michelle Monaghan who is wasted in the role of Doug’s wife as a horrible person with no redeeming features. It is played too over-the-top and could have been reeled back in. Why is this so? The best guess is the makers felt the story would not work if she is not so one-dimensional.

Also, we have a Jane Fonda voice-over, perhaps an afterthought, probably not necessary. Did the writers/directors lack confidence in the script or screenplay?

Rockwell effortlessly plays his role, seemingly not getting out of first gear, yet he is the only reason that my interest was kept. The best part of the whole film is his bonding scenes with his son however unlikely it was.

He is the brightest spot in a film that is frankly somewhat dull. It is competently directed, the acting from the rest of the cast is okay, it is not their fault they have cardboard cutout characters that have been in many, many films before this one, and therein lies the rub. It is the screenplay, we have all seen this before, dare I say it is ‘hack’ the loveable loser who turns his life around, nearly loses it all and then redemption. Of course it is easy for me to sit here ten years later criticising aspects when I don't know how the script originally looked, the changes that were forced on the actors and makers, but all I can judge is what is in front of me.

No one in the film is likable as a person. They are all a-holes, even Rockwell’s Doug is reprehensible and does morally repugnant things despite us supposedly having to root for him. I will give the writers, who also directed, Geoff Moore and David Posamentier, some credit for twisting expectations/ideas about a few characters but as I have noted all the characters are reprehensible so it is not the rug they think they pulled from under the audience.

All-in-all Better Living Through Chemistry is watchable, because of the cast, and a few laughs, but sadly it lacks anything different to see and after a few days you are bound to get it mixed up with a dozen other similar films when you try to recall it.

Shame, because with the cast, the tale should have been much better. Perhaps told with a darker hue it could have been a quite deliciously horrible tale. It's not that is a bad or an awful film it is just it could have been so much better.

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Why Wasn't This Set in Wales? Questions Need to be Asked.

(Edit) 31/03/2024

Luke Scott is Ridley Scott’s son and it is Ridley’s production company that produced Morgan in 2016, so far so the usual way the cinematic world runs, but with this connection and the way that the story unfolds I could not help but link father to son in some way. Without spoiling exactly what is happening in Morgan it could be taken as an origin story for the unforgettable Roy Batty and his comrades. That is just me saying that no one else. The two Scotts are the only connection because while the late Hauer’s Roy Batty is iconic and unforgettable, Anya Taylor-Joy’s Morgan is dull as dishwater and entirely forgettable.

Morgan is a film that thinks it is far cleverer than it is. It is trying to say, just like Luke’s dad’s Blade Runner is trying to say, ‘what is it to be human’ and ‘who are the real monsters’ but this is a common theme in modern AI/robot films, so if you are going to ask the question you now have to ask it in a special or interesting way. Ex-Machina did this perfectly.

In the end, Morgan is just an average piece of science fiction with some action/peril near the end and if you are not paying full attention it might surprise you with the outcome, I was, and guessed the ‘surprise’ and the ending in short order.

Kate Mara, Roony’s older sister, is the mysterious protagonist who at first is the baddy but then flips your feelings for her, more than once. That in itself is interesting and fun. But, and it is a big but, the way Mara plays Lee Weathers makes it blindingly obvious what she is about and who she is, this makes you sigh and raise your eyebrows, about a quarter of an hour into the run time. Was it bad acting, writing or directing? Surely Luke Scott could have told her to reign it in a bit?

Mara herself is surrounded by a group of good and well-renowned actors, all of whom I am convinced did this film to either do Ridley Scott a favour or to get into his good books. Brian Cox bookends the film to let you know what is going on and what happened, Jennifer Jason Leigh is sort of in it but if you had cut her part out it would have made no difference to the story. Toby Jones plays a fairly cardboard cut-out character in the tale, which is a shame, and Paul Giamatti plays the world’s worst psychologist, so poorly written, if they had said, ‘That doctor, he was not a doctor but a plumber faking it’ that would have been believable. Michelle Yeoh again seems to be in the film but really her screen time is in minutes. All these great actors pop in and pop off to save on salaries I presume.

Probably the most interesting character was nutritionist Skip, Boyd Holbrook, his inclusion made me think there was something more to his role. There was not, he was just a nutritionist. A waste.

On the whole, Morgan was watchable, I cannot help feeling poor old Anya Taylor-Joy got the role because of her looks, which is a shame, but I will never watch it again and I will not remember it in a month or so.

For a film that tries to be intellectual and challenging about an interesting and controversial subject, it tends to get more stupid and easier to figure out what is happening the longer it runs.

It was a wasted opportunity and sadly had the reek of ‘the old boys club’ about it in some places.

Shame, a story about how the human race developed and made the likes of Roy Batty many decades before the time of Blade Runner would have been an interesting tale.

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Past Lives

Still Waiting for the Screaming, Shouting and Throwing Stuff About.....

(Edit) 21/03/2024

From a storytelling point of view Past Lives pulls no punches and for me was saying from the start Nay Young or Nora and Hae Sung were meant to be together from the moment they bonded as children, but as the old, tired and well-worn cliché goes, life got in the way. The question is, what do you do when it does? Past Lives looks at this and gives us the answer it does.

Only a three-hander with Lee and Yoo beautiful and soulfully playing the leads, there is obvious chemistry on screen, their performances are well complimented by John Magaro, in a role, if this were a rom-com, he would be the ‘baddy’. You know the trope and decent, earnest man, who has done nothing wrong, but gets dumped by his wife (or fiancée more properly) for the flashy, slightly wacky leading man. Well in this role Magaro is a decent caring man and acts so well you can see his conflict but the willingness to let his wife explore her past and feelings and discuss them all with her old friend. It is a great piece of believable acting and just once it is nice to see three people in a love story of sorts who are not a-holes, not one of them.

Past Lives boiled down to his basic components is a ‘What If?’ tale. What if they had got together back at school, what if they had stayed in touch for twenty years. All questions of course that can never be answered and you could be forgiven for saying there is literally no point asking those questions.

But of course, we all do.

Celine Song who wrote and directed Past Lives has a soft touch and the whole film sensitively approaches its topics. There is the clash of cultures, longing and nostalgia and love, and what loving a person really means.

It was a pleasure to see a soft gentle film with normal characters thrown into perhaps a slightly abnormal situation but nevertheless believable and entertaining. It is slow and quiet so if that is not your bag, if you have to have a baddie to boo and goodies to root for, with a lot of screaming and shouting, Past Lives is not for you.

There is a sense of anticipation throughout the story, and although the pace is slow it somehow still zips along, the change in language from the leads, from Korean, to English and back to Korean again certainly keeps your focus but also nothing is signposted or given away so you do not know how this will end. How you want it to end is up to you.

I have to recommend Past Lives as a sensitive and intelligent take on a non-traditional ‘love-triangle’ that is acted realistically, sensitively and not without a sense of fun and some sorrow. It is great.

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The Last Outlaw

If Only It Really Was The Last Outlaw

(Edit) 28/02/2024

The Last Outlaw was made in 1993 and for this reason, and this reason alone, I harshly judge it. The story, if made in the 1950s, would have been a tad familiar and cliched but made many years after that era it is unforgivable.

The logic or lack of it in the screenplay and writing is shocking and actually distracts from the story being told.

Graff is a psychotic idiot who after twenty-nine successful band robberies somehow manages to balls this one up so much everyone who such much as looks at the bank is killed horribly by explosion or gunfire. His gang, so successful and deadly, does not seem to have any idea of teamwork or cooperation but constantly fight and argue with each other – this is to show how rough and tough they are, it makes them look like utter idiots. Talking of which they are just a cliché gang with little to no character development so you know they are disposable as far as the story goes. Even Graff and Eustis, the main characters, have no real character other than baddy gang leader, and goodie gang member.

People could kill or capture Graff and his gang a few times but somehow do not, otherwise the story ends. Nothing makes a great deal of sense and the dialogue is lame and so familiar.

I have to admit I sort of lost focus halfway through this film, completely missing Steve Buscemi being shot and killed apparently.

If the film is worth watching it is worth watching just to see some good actors in very early roles, with Dermot Mulroney, John C Riley, Ted Levine, Keith David and Steve Buscemi early and centre stage.

Levine as Potts, is easily the most interesting character out of everyone, and he is very one-dimensional, Gabby Hayes voiced, looking out only for himself yet somehow brave and noble too, makes the film a tiny bit more tolerable. Riley, David and Buscemi do the best with what they have and show why they all had successful and bountiful careers in the years to come.

What jars is Mulroney, who as the titular hero, seems a little out of place, a little too modern, it is not a bad performance and you can root for him, but he just gives the impression he is going to walk around a rocky outcrop and pop in his car and drive home.

What ruins this film for me is an ego, a huge ego. Mickey Rourke, a big name at the time, he was clearly able to get his own way with how his character looked and behaved. A ridiculous neatly cropped horseshoe moustache, too much eyeliner, clear plastic surgery, anachronistic clothing and behaviour, he is almost like some mystical superhero and all his portrayal says is ‘I’m cool, I’m Mickey Rourke, here are my wonders to behold’ it is distracting and frankly awful. He looks a bit too rock-starish to me, someone who has forgotten what acting is supposed to do.

It detracts from any positive points the film has.

Rumour has it a lot of his dialogue had to be post-dubbed due to classic mumbleathon.

The story is familiar, a mishmash of Western conventions, outlaws robbing banks because the ‘South’ lost the war – I mean that is okay then – and then one of their number turns against them to hunt them down.

Of course, this is Mickey Rourke and he gets to kill them off one by one, leaving his nemesis to last, he is like an avenging angel, he never, ever misses what he is shooting at, just like the real Wild West, so clichéd and so boring for a film about the west made in the nineties.

The finale has a last-minute turnaround, how many times have you seen that? Our pop-star-like outlaw anti-hero instead of just killing his sworn enemy lets him ‘draw’ on him at the end. The final scene is plain comedic in its denouement I just smiled all the way through. Utter drivel.

Just go away and produce something new please, I would have said that in 1993 and I say it now.

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