Film Reviews by TE

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Slow and maudlin

(Edit) 29/01/2019

An unconvincing storyline and needlessly slow build up. Hancock is wasted. No pace, no real jeopardy and no characters one really cares about.

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The Happy Prince

Dull and self-indulgent

(Edit) 29/01/2019

What a fascinating period in Wilde's life to use as a plot. And what a wasted opportunity. Everett seems intent on demontsrating how good his French is and in allowing the camera lingering close-ups on his ravaged visage. There is precious little wit in this film, and the minor characters (everyone is minor compared to the 'star' and director) are not put in context or allowed to develop. Cannot imagine why Colin Firth was in this merde.

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The Ornithologist

Promising beginning, dire ending

(Edit) 10/04/2018

Intriguing storyline, and well acted. However the rambling incoherent Catholic inspired parable was too tedious for words. And the ending is totally unsatisfactory. I felt annoyed that I had watched it to the end.

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