Film Reviews by porky

Welcome to porky's film reviews page. porky has written 274 reviews and rated 271 films.

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Come to Daddy

Who's the Daddy ?

(Edit) 01/06/2020

Darkly Funny and Uncomfortable Thriller of Mistaken Identity ,Bad People and Long Lost Family .

Very Good. Will buy it on DVD when its available.

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The Secret of Marrowbone

Marrowbone Marrowbone

(Edit) 01/06/2020

Comes across initially as a Childrens Adventure Movie like the Railway Children crossed with something JK Rowling Might Write ,but in reality ,once its all exposed for what it is ,its actually Much Darker and has a rather Sad Feel to it all .

Much more adult that I first imagined,I almost didnt rent it as it looked to be a bit Family orientated entertainment, but its not that at all.

Very Good, Quite Disturbing , Worth seeing more than the once .

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(Edit) 25/04/2020

Rather an interesting ,Though Nasty and Twisted thriller bound around several Deeply Unpleasant People.

Everyone involved is Deeply Flawed by Lies,Addiction,Mental Health Issues and Sepperation Anxiety.

Nobody involved is actually Nice .

A Spiteful and Bitchy Young Man meets an Older Guy on a Dating Site Once and treats him like Crap when he comes to see him again three days later at work ,Lying that he had No Way of Contacting him when clearly they had been Texting one another before meeting .

They Fall in Love . Both Lying about their Backgrounds.

Tragedy Ensues because Lies are Found Out on Both Sides.

Innocent People Die Because of Petulant Revenge and Hidden Dangerous Mental illness..

Low Budget ,But Passable and would have been far better if LGBTQ films didnt always rely on Soft Core Porn to Tell a Story with LGBTQ Characters on Every Occasion.

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Good Boys

Bad Bad Boys .

(Edit) 25/04/2020

I am not a Big fan of Family Comedy ,but This is actually Very Funny, a Bit Dirty but in a Childlike way and well worth a watch .

Think 'The Hangover' but played by 5th Graders just reaching the 6th Grade and Questioning their place in School Heirachy ,Looming Manhood and Relationships.

Darkly Comic. But really Not a Kids Movie.

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Ultimate Zombie Feast

Zombie All Nighter .

(Edit) 21/04/2020

Interesting Bumper Collection of 16x Zombie tales. some only very short and some Full Length .

Something for Everyone among the mix, its a real confection of Comedy and Horror .

Not the Best in Quality Production as all are made on a Low Budget but some Good Efforts and Unusual Takes on the Genre.

Certainly a Mixed Bag as they also Range ,Not Only in Style but also come from many different places Around the World .

Well worth a watch if Zombies are your thing , and a definite Must if you are a Zombie Genre Completionist .

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The Prodigy

Prodigy ?

(Edit) 16/04/2020

Prodigy didnt seem to me to be the Correct Title for this .

This was Far Better than I was expecting . I really enjoyed it .

Very Creepy Supernatural Thriller . Really rather Good.

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Clingy Geeky But Sweet .

(Edit) 16/04/2020

Not at all what I expected .

Rather a Sweet Love Story and Dark Comedy .

Love Obsesses From Beyond the Grave and can only Lead to Heartache ,Break-up and Murder !

Low budget but well made .High School Teenage First Love That Never Ever Dies.......Ever !

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The Curse of La Llorona

Such a pointless curse .

(Edit) Updated 15/04/2020

Muddled and pointless Curse of a Bride to be that Drowns her own children ,then spends eternity stealing children to replace her drowned children ,but Drowns them. WHY?

Film has a very weak story , Tenuously linked to the Conjuring Universe via one character not even in the main story but a cameo .

Could have slipped him into any number of Movies just to connect it to the Conjuring. Talk about Desperate .

Characters ,that in my mind Deserve everything they get by Doing Everything they are told NOT to do at every turn.

An OK Watch but really ,Don't Expect Much. the earlier movie 'Mama' did it better .

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Crypt full of Dogs

(Edit) 03/04/2020

Fun little mix up of styles and genres .

Entertaining little movie, well made ,looks good,stylishly shot.Funny and a British low budget class act.

Horror ? Thriller ? Comedy ? Crime Caper ? imagine Tarantinos Reservouir Dogs made into a Hammer Horror .

Keeps you watching with all its different characters interacting in such a small space with a fun idea that SOMETHING is in a Coffin and they hav eto Watch it ...But WHAT ?

In Fighting ,Criminal Activity,Clash of Personality all make this a tense and exciting ride whilst confined to a Locked Crypt.

Well worth watching ,rather clever for a low budget home grown movie , great cast ,great acting ,fun script.

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Killer Party

Killer Party ,just dont ask for an Invite !

(Edit) 03/04/2020

Great ,I loved it . kind of a Cross between 'Purge' and 'Ready or Not ' but with an added twist.

Darkly Funny ,Rather Sickly Murderous, Extremely Violent , Tense and Fun.

Well worth seeing more than once . and Very Entertaining .

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Killer Party

Killer Party ,just dont ask for an Invite !

(Edit) 03/04/2020

Great ,I loved it . kind of a Cross between 'Purge' and 'Ready or Not ' but with an added twist.

Darkly Funny ,Rather Sickly Murderous, Extremely Violent , Tense and Fun.

Well worth seeing more than once . and Very Entertaining .

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I Spit on your Revenge

(Edit) 03/04/2020

Very much in the 'I Spit On Your Grave ' revenge movie genre .This is a very good version, I would say Far Better than the 'I Spit' Remakes.

Interesting mix of French and English language throughout .

Very Violent, Gorey and Grusome Effects ,Tense, Beautifully made , Very Entertaining with a High Quality Finish .

Well worth more than one viewing .possibly my Favourite Revenge Movie .

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The Horror Network

Horror Network ? hmmm

(Edit) 03/04/2020

I LOVE Horror Anthology Movies . All of them .....Sadly however I have found one I Hate .

This one is lacking One Main Addition....... the Horror .

I can watch Anthologies over and over and usually love how different all the segments are and never get bored seeing them .

Sadly THIS is not one of them, I never want to sit through that utter crap again.

it really is a Bad Movie, not Sooo Bad it is Good. Not Soo Extremely Bad you must watch it just to laugh at it .NO .Just Boringly Bad enough never to bother with it again.

5x tales of Horror in this movie. I've just watched it and i cant remember a single one .

Just Dont Put Ypurself Through This ,unless you are having trouble sleeping and need something Strong to get you asleep .

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Video Geek

(Edit) 25/01/2020

Quite an interesting and convoluted Low Budget Swedish Movie.

Hard to know what kind of movie it is because it doesn't really fit any specific genre category very well .

It is listed above as a Horror /Thriller but really it is a Social Commentary on Loneliness,Social Dysfunction ,Obsession and also a Love Story .

Certainly worth a look. and rather a sweet romance story via its Thriller/Horror Roots and Damaged ,obsessive collecting /geeky/nerd characters .

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Our Evil

Devilishly Good

(Edit) 24/01/2020

I loved this movie, It is not well made but it delivers anyway. Subtitles for any non Spanish/Brazilian Speakers .

It is a Low Budget ,Slow Moving ,Occasionally Gory and Really Rather Disturbing Mix of Serial Killings,Assassin Hits,Demonic Possession ,Haunting and Twisted Outcomes.

Acting of the Main Character is pretty Bad to be honest ,But the Story is a Good One so the Acting is acceptable.and all the secondary Actors are really very good , Effects are also very Good ,giving at some stages the feel you are watching Snuff and not Fiction .

I would certainly give this a thumbs up,and consider owning it as it is likely to disappear over time being a Low Budget oddity as it is too Good not to watch again in the Future .

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