Welcome to Paulie's film reviews page. Paulie has written 3 reviews and rated 196 films.
I'd not heard of this film but a relative recommended it ('hysterical' apparently). McCarthy can be very funny but wow this was awful. Her character is just horrible, with occasional moments where you're meant to feel sorry for her. I didn't. Big parts of the film involve a basic set up within which McCarthy is let loose to do her 'shtick' for ten minutes. The other actors in this film (Toni Collette!!) are completely wasted.
Read so many 10/10 reviews of this and Kermode said it's great (although he's a Blatty fanboy of course). I think of myself as a cineaste but blimey after 40 minutes of this cobblers I could stand no more. Is it meant to be funny? A satire? OK I should have stuck with it but I was watching with my family and we were all entirely fed up with it.
I wasn't sure what to expect but if you love photography and cinema this is a great find. Beautifully shot, this silent (mostly) film looks wonderful and is full of terrific characters. I started watching it on my own as the family drifted in and out, but one by one they stayed to watch. I really enjoyed it.