Welcome to KM's film reviews page. KM has written 8 reviews and rated 727 films.
Loved every aspect of this, the way it was filmed, the atmosphere, the direction, the acting and Mia Goth's performance was outstanding.
First half of film spends its time doing nothing more than show a woman's daily boring routine, goes looks at a plant, takes ground temperature, for some reason drops a stone down a mine shaft, goes back home, makes the same notes about plant in a book each day, fires up a generator, has the occasional cup of tea then have film repeat this for around 45 minutes! The rest of it she has various visions of people from the past and that's it. If this was supposed to be some sort of ghost story it was a very poor dull one!
I really should have known better! You cannot have a TV series or film these days without identity politics and wokeness ruining it, so here we have to have gay teens, which has no revelance to the story at all, it is just the usual box ticking so won't be watching anymore of this garbage. The only decent part was Chucky himself but thankfully I have the original collection of good Child's Play movies on Blu Ray which just concentrate on being good horror movies and nothing else!
Ninety minutes of my life wasted on this garbage, another of those films for the "modern audience".
Despite all the hype, and some thinking this the best Batman ever, I found it bland and boring which led to me clock watching and the portrayal of Bruce Wayne did not work at all for me. This is a film I would never watch again.
I saw this film had several ratings of four stars but for me it was way too mixed up and as a result I found it tedious and found myself clock watching. I only stuck with it to see how it ended and even that left more questions than answers so wish I had not bothered.
This movie started well but then deteriorated rapidly with the introduction of a bunch of misfit soldiers trying to play it for laughs along with the female scientist. I stopped watching as the dialogue and action became more and more like something out of a ghostbusters movie. Worst Predator movie ever!
This film was a huge let down because of the way it portrayed the actual raid, the most important part of the film was a disjointed mess because of the totally unnecessary interaction with a dance sequence which totally destroyed the tension. The original film was far better as it concentrated on showing the raid properly.