Film Reviews by WA

Welcome to WA's film reviews page. WA has written 25 reviews and rated 34 films.

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Ferrari 312B

Not quite what I was expecting

(Edit) 23/08/2021

Documentary about a rich ex-racing driver preparing a Ferrari 312B for the classic F1 race at Monaco, and how after loads of time and effort expended in preparation, it breaks down at the event. Some brief footage of famous drivers driving 312Bs but probably occupies 5 minutes of the entire film. A lot of classical-inspired music which is really irritating, and not much else. Best to avoid methinks.

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(Edit) 09/06/2021

Yes quite good, pretty gruesome in some scenes, but acting and production values are good, and the period detail evokes personal memories. Kept me wondering if they would actually find the criminal, given the political backdrop of the time, which also lent itself to the rather depressing conclusion. Worth a watch imho.

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Don't believe the positive reviews

(Edit) 04/06/2021

Awful film. How they get backing for these kind of projects beats me. If you enjoyed Compulsion (urrgghh) you'd probably like this. Utter snorefest with gratuitous bloody violence thrown in just to keep you awake ("Why didn't you use the pistol instead of the knife?" "Knife seemed more appropriate" lol). The lead actress/actor (are you allowed to say actress?) reminded me of Neil Robertson the snooker player. I don't know maybe my expectations are too high but this is just one of a series of recent films which have just been terrible. Avoid.

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Good for the 50 Shades enthusiast

(Edit) 06/05/2021

Awful film. Titillation dressed up as some kind of art-house work, with fancy sets and high class production. Don't bother with it, don't know why I did tbh.

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American Dreamz

Not worth the watch

(Edit) 06/05/2021

Recommended to me by my sister, last time I listen to her! Had potential but the flaky Dennis Quaid president, the participants in the talent show, the dodgy Hugh Grant host, all sounds good but somehow fails to ignite anything beyond boredom. Give it a miss.

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The Irishman

It's decent but...

(Edit) 11/02/2021

More of a contemplation on the inevitability of getting old and death rather than an out and out gangster flick, I thought it kind of dragged towards the end. Some bloody violence and a lengthy development of what was a well telegraphed moral dilemma, but production values were sky high; the period recreation on a par with QT's Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. The young versions of the main protagonists were a bit like watching characters from a console game, kind of off in an odd sort of way - why not just get younger actors to play these roles. I like Scorsese movies but this one is just a bit meh for my tastes.

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Enjoyable take on superhero genre

(Edit) 11/02/2021

Good movie, strong production values, a more real-to-life take on the superhero/Marvel genre, with contemporary social media observations, and a decent ending, leaving scope for a sequel, which, if it comes I would watch.

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Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula

Very disappointing

(Edit) 07/01/2021

I am a great fan of Train to Busan, consequently very much looked forward to seeing Peninsula. What a let down. The story was shaky, the acting ahhh, it was ok, but when Asian cinema does "drama" it does tend to significantly over-romanticise - Chinese film especially - with soaring score and highly unlikely denouement. The CG was poor to be honest, and a significant portion of the film relies on CG generated effects, so this was detrimental. The zombies were good, but zombies alone can't carry a film, and Peninsula, in much the same way that Equalizer 2 and the subsequent John Wick movies are, is a poor pale shadow of the original concept which was highly original and supremely directed. I would buy TtB and Seoul Station, but Peninsula is utterly forgettable and will not be forming part of my collection.

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Birds of Prey

Surprisingly enjoyable

(Edit) 07/01/2021

I must say Margot Robbie is fast becoming one of my favourite female actors. I thought she was really good in Once upon a Time in Hollywood, which I enjoyed very much, and the Wolf of Wall Street, which I don't particularly care for. In Birds of Prey once again she displays that air of joie de vivre which was so captivating in OUaTiH, and although the violence is occasionally gratuitous, and the amount of swearing unnecessarily excessive, Birds of Prey was well done and the female characters I thought well developed. I kind of went in to this not really sure what to expect and came away pleasantly surprised. The film has the DC trademark grittiness, but is OTT in a fun way and well worth a watch.

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First Love


(Edit) 09/10/2020

Thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Enough twists and turns to stimulate interest and a couple LOL moments. Was not keen on Blade of the Immortal, but this one pressed all my buttons. Reminded me a bit of the original Equalizer due to the setting of the climax, but a really well thought out, acted and filmed movie which I highly recommend.

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Gamera: The Guardian of the Universe

Great stuff.

(Edit) 09/10/2020

I'm a big Godzilla fan, was not sure what to expect from this movie, but in the end very watchable and enjoyable. The blu ray quality was outstanding, the acting, direction and effects (for the time) very good. If you're into the kaiju genre this is a must. I've now included the other 2 Gamera titles in my list. It's just a shame one can't buy the trilogy here in the UK format.

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The Courier

Don't bother with it

(Edit) 26/08/2020

I enjoyed Momentum. This was terrible. Set in an underground car-park, with lots of shooting and chasing and hand to hand combat. Kind of a poor man's John Wick. The witness was charmless, Olga: pretty wooden, Gary Oldman spends most of his time on the end of a mobile phone (what he was doing in this picture I cannot fathom). Lots of unnecessary swearing. Just a poor film made to a budget. Don't bother with it.

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Far too long.

(Edit) 26/08/2020

Started off well, carried on quite nicely, kids played their parts convincingly, bullies were nasty, but just went on and on. In the end, when it got to the part where our heroes go down the well and discover the "hell" or whatever it is that "It" inhabits, I just switched it off. Just couldn't be bothered. I understand there is a sequel. Can't understand why to be honest.

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Existentialist nonsense

(Edit) 09/06/2020

Save yourself the trouble and avoid this film like the plague. Terrible film shot in a mall made out to be a spaceship with unremarkable characters and utterly nonsensical premise. Don't know what made me include it on my watch list, I suspect cinemaparadiso snuck it on there lol.

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Alita: Battle Angel

Good movie

(Edit) 07/11/2019

Saw this in the cinema and rented it after release on blu-ray. I'm a big fan of the original anime although not the manga so it was satisfying to see so many references to that movie. My 10 year old son also enjoyed it very much and we would recommend it. The only criticism is the casting of the actor who played the boyfriend Hugo - we both found him a bit annoying. Otherwise plot, action, and effects were impressive, as were the extras included on the disc. Hope there will be a sequel. Its also worth mentioning that once you get over the novelty of the lead character the rendering of that character is so good that you very quickly forget it's a cgi, and rapidly immerse into the film. 5 stars.

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