Film Reviews by AH

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The Death of Louis XIV


(Edit) 07/12/2017

115 minutes of a dying king, and the camera never leaves his bedchamber. This might not sound like a good premise for a film, but I was surprisingly gripped throughout. The hushed solicitude of the doctors and servants and the bearing of the king during his suffering was moving.

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My Feral Heart


(Edit) 04/12/2017

It is a pity that I can't rate this film any higher. The film has some interesting plot lines and characters, but the introduction of the "feral" character remains undeveloped and un-explained. In fact, the sudden cut to black at the end left me wondering if the TV had switched off!

Without this it would have been a much better film.

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Over-acted and fast dialogue

(Edit) 16/10/2017

We only managed half an hour for two reasons;-

It is a film adapted from the play and the dialogue was delivered as though from the stage with much over-acting.

The heavily accented dialogue is delivered at supersonic speed and we found that whilst trying to decipher a line, the next line was being spoken so we really missed most of it.

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