Film Reviews by ds

Welcome to ds's film reviews page. ds has written 3 reviews and rated 15 films.

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Let the Sunshine In

ennuyant (boring)

(Edit) 17/07/2018


why did they make it in the first place?

I enjoy French flms as they have 'atmosphere'

this was dull and dreary.

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Brad's Status

just about watchable (wondering if anyhting is going to happen)

(Edit) 08/06/2018

dull and monotonous- well acted but gets nowhere fast.

Prefer Ben Stiller in lighter fare.

Makes you wonder why they bother making suhc films?

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Rough Night

don't waste your time

(Edit) 31/01/2018

really like Scarlet J but what on earth is she doing in this film-tunerd off after twenty minutes.

Could have been interesting had the director not got confused as to what sort of film they were


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