Film Reviews by TH

Welcome to TH's film reviews page. TH has written 33 reviews and rated 386 films.

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It Comes at Night

Excuse me what comes at night?

(Edit) 24/03/2018

Can't really disagree with the review made by the member review by 'GR'. A film based on an atmosphere of claustrophobia, trust and security, what actually comes at night is a terminal disease and whose to say it probably comes at day too on the back of some form of a nuclear event or apocalypse or something we have to set our minds to. The 'average' viewer will probably be left largely disappointed at the low keyness to it all, all atmosphere and not enough else but Hey-ho the critics seem to think it's a good watch so maybe what do I know?

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Valley of the Sasquatch


(Edit) 21/02/2018

Threadbare script, amateurish acting and particularly silly dialogue - sasquatches are laughable with rubber feet. Avoid!!

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Baby Driver

Style over substance

(Edit) 12/12/2017

Tries to be a stylish slick movie but unfortunately feels this has been made for the gaming generation without much thought towards the script writing. Usual array of stars including the very much in Lily James the very much out Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx and some young fella who plays the silly named 'Baby' and frankly doesn't do much acting but is a genius at driving a car for getaways and also has the ability to be a free runner whilst having tinnitus (blocked out by playing his i-pod constantly which just happens to be good for the soundtracks of this movie) caring for his deaf foster father whilst also having the ability of lip reading. If you think this is far fetched well the plot is thread bare and includes a few heists with some unscrupulous characters also has a rather dull romantic part combined with the deaf foster father thing going on - sounds chaotic?...well yes it is and not in a good way. Somebody needed to put a decent script on this rather than relying on it trying to be hip.

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