Film Reviews by AL

Welcome to AL's film reviews page. AL has written 80 reviews and rated 114 films.

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(Edit) 23/10/2021

Wow! The scope, the sound, the story, a masterpiece. Dennis Villeneuve is a great Director and visionary. Watched the David Lynch version just the other day, have seen it 4 or 5 times and I think only recently did I sort of understand all of it. I was surprised how much from David's version was in Dennis's version. I suppose it helps that there will / should be a sequel. I wonder if David had the chance would he have done a 6 hour version, perhaps that would have worked. Soundtrack is amazing, very much like Blade Runner 2049 in parts (which isn't a surprise) and some of the shots were like BR as well, no bad thing. Don't want to give any more away, but is well worth a viewing, I want to go and see it again.

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Godzilla vs. Kong

So So

(Edit) 14/08/2021

Of these type of films it's not the best and not the worst. The story is totally ridiculous, reminded me a little of "At the Earth's Core", Peter Cushing and Doug McClure! Not giving anything away when I say the birds from above grabbing people, if you've seen this film you'll know what I mean. CGI is fine. I kept thinking, where does all the metal come from and how does stuff get built without anyone knowing and how much does it cost. The fact that I'm thinking this, shows that the film didn't keep me entertained.

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Awful and I'm being kind

(Edit) 08/07/2021

Well the soundtrack was good. John Malkovich, was John Malkovich. I just got so bored. Watch Atomic Blond, now that's a great movie, I'd like to see more of those. I lost total interest in this just couldn't be bothered. I imagine they wanted a sequel, well good luck getting that one green lit. Avoid.

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The Assistant

Painfully boring and painfully accurate

(Edit) 23/06/2021

Really boring film, but also totally accurate on how it's like to work at companies like this. Intriguing, was wandering where it was going which was nowhere. Then again that is accurate. Depressing as well.

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Wonder Woman 1984


(Edit) 15/06/2021

Loved the first one, although noted that Kermode and Mayo had differing opinions on this sequel. My word, dreadful. The beginning was good with young Diana, but after that went down hill quick. Took about half an hour to get going, found story to be boring, acting at some points to be painful and some dodgy CGI. I do hope there as another one, but then again, maybe not.

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Spider-Man: Far from Home

High hopes dashed into dust

(Edit) 15/05/2021

Really disappointed with this mess of a film. Too jokey, too silly, plot was awful. What a waste of a film. Didn't grip me at all. Liked Happy in it, I think only because I like the character and Jon Favreau. Must admit lost track with the whole world bit, thought Nick Fury had gone, clearly I'd forgotten something. Some of the special effects were ok. But ok special effects can't save a poor film. Shame.

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Clueless what was going on

(Edit) 02/04/2021

What a mess. I do pride myself on watching films with my wife, who will afterwards ask me what it was about. She wouldn't have watched this anyway, but if she had and she'd asked me what it was about, I'd have no idea.

I like Christopher Nolan films, but not this one. For starters, I couldn't hear what the actors were saying. Firstly they were mumbling and secondly the background music was so loud even if they were speaking so humans could hear them, I wouldn't be able to hear them because of the background music / general hum of noise.

There was so much explanation between the characters explaining the plot to each other. Get the thing, to the blah blah, and then the biddle will wing wong. For all I know, that could be the plot.

I may be nudging my late 40's but unless it's a foreign film with subtitles, I'm not going to switch them on to watch something in my native tongue. Although near the end I did switch them on to see if it would help, but not really.

On the plus side, special effects and locations were very good. But that doesn't save this mess of a movie.


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The New Mutants

I've seen a worse xmen film

(Edit) 10/02/2021

Shame it took so long to come out. Not the worst xmen film I've seen, I'll give it that. A little more like Logan rather than any of the main xmen films, thank god. It did have some promise, but felt like too many hands had been involved in it. Would have been nice to see where future films would have gone, but we're not going to be seeing that. Shame.

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The Personal History of David Copperfield

Really disappointing

(Edit) 23/08/2020

Maybe if you know the story already it helps. We started watching and really had no idea what was going on. Things moved so fast between scenes with strange relatives and, whoever popping up saying something strange very quickly and leaving. Thank god the DVD seemed to stop half way through, maybe it got fed up as well as us. Tried to watch it with my family as was a PG and marked as being a comedy. I thought if it was a comedy it was supposed to be even remotely amusing.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Good fun

(Edit) 29/07/2020

Film was good fun. Nothing special, nothing bad, it was ok.

Not giving anything away, as this is seen in virtually every film. But there did seem to be a lot more key characters constantly just last second escaping, over and over again. I know all action films are like this, if they weren't then these films would be a lot shortly, if the hero died in the first 5 minutes. But noticed this more in this film. Perhaps it's because of the film's running time, which did seem to drag a little.

But it is good fun still. Couldn't remember what happened in the first one. I'll probably forget what happened in this one. But would be happy to see another, which I'm sure will happen.

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John Wick 3: Parabellum

Utterly Insane

(Edit) 21/07/2020

Totally insane and how so much bloodshed can go on and no one seems to get arrested or anything like that I really don't know. Bonkers is an understatement. However daft it is though, its thoroughly entertaining, but abit long.

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Frozen II

Not the best sequel

(Edit) 17/07/2020

Unfortunately as expected it wasn't as good as the first one. The songs weren't as good and the kids wondered what was going on at one point I thought it was becoming a Bruce Wills Syfy classic!

But animation was good, story soet of made sense and tied things up nicely.

So all and all, it was ok, but forgettable

Although olaf was good.

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Rambo: Last Blood

Disappointing final (hopefully) instalment

(Edit) 11/07/2020

What a mess and a horrible one. I'll give it one this, it can be pretty gory in parts. Seemed to think we'll take all the best deaths from the previous films and just make them nastier. Oh well, passed the time. Such a shame because the first film is so fantastic.

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Terminator: Dark Fate

Better than I thought

(Edit) 27/06/2020

I've not missed a Terminator film or TV series, I even saw the last one at the BFI IMAX, although that was a waste of money. I'm a big Arnie fan.

This one, number 6, kicks off pretending number 3 didn't happen, which is a shame as I liked No3. No3 nowhere as good as No1 & No2 of course, but did finish things off nicely and it made sense, sort of.

Pretending No4 & No5 didn't happen I'd fine with me especially No5, which I'm struggling to remember totally what happened and I thought would have killed off the Franchise, but nope its back with No6.

Only going to briefly mention the Sarah Connor Chronicles which was great and a crying shame that got canned.

Now onto No6. Due to Luke warm reviews and it being a big flop, I had feared the worst. It didn't help that in my mind from the off there were some pretty rubbish and obvious CGI terminators running around and I think that there is too much of that in the film.

But getting past that, this film was ok. Not great, not awful and a vast improvement on the last 2 entries.

Nice humour in many parts. No one really stands out but all actors clock in good performances, I'd say Mackenzie Davis probably my favourite.

I don't want to say too much more, as don't want to spoil for anyone. But I think this is fine.

I do hope that this is it and that there won't be any more. Considering how much this cost and lost, I'm probably safe hoping this.

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Interesting Concept

(Edit) 22/06/2020

Interesting concept. Richard Curtis does Rom Com like no other person. Great cast and interesting concept. We weren't quiet sure what it was about it that didn't seem to work. But a good 3 star film. Maybe abit forgettable.

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