Film Reviews by AL

Welcome to AL's film reviews page. AL has written 80 reviews and rated 114 films.

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Goodbye Christopher Robin

Interesting and sad

(Edit) 12/03/2018

Knew nothing about this film before watching. Found it to be fascinating and sad. Very good acting. Well worth watching.

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The Death of Stalin

Shockingly horrific and funny at the same time

(Edit) 12/03/2018

To be able to create a comedy about such a violent and shocking time is quite a task and they have succeeded. I think having the actors using whatever accents they liked is stroke of genius and perfect casting. I may need to buy this one for repeat viewing.

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Wind River

A little boring I'm afraid

(Edit) 03/02/2018

Really not sure about this one. Amazing photography, but of a slow burner and a little boring. Also perhaps ad I'm getting older and losing my hearing or something, or I kept needing to go back and turn the volume up to try and make out what was being said. Acting was good though.

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The Limehouse Golem


(Edit) 29/01/2018

Not the sort of film is usually watch, horrors aren't my sort of thing, but the impressive cast got me intrigued. Really gripping many twists. Don't usually comment on sets and design, but these were very realistic and helped pull you into the story. Not for the faint hearted though.

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Spider-Man: Homecoming

Yet another Spiderman reboot

(Edit) 29/01/2018

Perhaps I'm too old, but in my head the Original Toby McGuire films (I'm not counting the third one) were great and recent. Since then it's already been rebooted not that long ago and here we go again. A different setting, girlfriend and baddy (Michael Keaton is excellent as always), but really didn't grip me at all. Marvel seemed to have got their fingers fully into it, Stark and so on. Can't totally put a finger on it, but just didn't do it for me.

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Amusing in parts

(Edit) 16/01/2018

Some laughs amusing in parts, but felt like a poor man's Hot Shots. For a full that didn't last that long, it sure felt that it did.

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The Eagle Huntress

Breathtaking scenery and an amazing story

(Edit) 16/01/2018

Breathtaking scenery and an amazing story. Fascinating insight into their lives. I found myself thinking with all the comforts and technology we have, was their life richer? Commentary was ok, and is admit that as Daisy Ridley was doing it, that did draw me into renting this and I'm glad it did.

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Atomic Blonde

Violent, twisty with an amazing soundtrack

(Edit) 08/01/2018

Very good soundtrack got the film off to a good start. Plot was a little confusing though and I wish sometimes Charlize would speak up a little or speak clearer. Perhaps it's my hearing, but I had to play back a couple of times and still couldn't always understand. However I don't think that mattered much. I don't think I've seen a film where Charlie smiles and this one is no exception. Very physical film with amazing action scenes. Lots of nice twists as well. Would happily watch again.

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A real surprise

(Edit) 08/01/2018

Think I hired this out because of Chris Evans. But Mckenna Grace is abit of a revelation, very good actress. Moving, interesting and great to see a film I normally wouldn't see, a real treat.

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Captain Underpants

Kids thought it was great.

(Edit) 02/01/2018

Don't want to put parents off. I fell asleep, perhaps I was tired. However the kids seemed to enjoy it, although when I asked them what is was about, they said they didn't know. So I think 3 stars are all I could really rate it.

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Viceroy's House

Informative and entertaining

(Edit) 02/01/2018

Never knew how the split of India happened, and this film really helped explained it. Educational and entertaining. There were a couple side stories that seemed a little but shoe horned in, hence the 4 stars. But thoroughly recommend.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

Impressive CGI and thats about it

(Edit) 06/12/2017

CGI was great for the Apes. Similar to the Paddington movie, i simply forget they were CGI. Scenery was nice. Some of the new characters were good. I think that was about it, hence the 2 stars. The 1st film was definately the best, then the next and this the worst. I just myself very bored and i shouldn't be in an Apes film. Shame

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Very Disappointed

(Edit) 30/11/2017

I was really looking forward to watching this, having loved the Fifth Element and other Besson films. However i was just bored, the plot seemed to go off all over the place. I never usually pick up on editing, but the edting was aweful. Space bits and CGI were fine, just the plot and acting were terrible, no wonder if flopped at the box office. Real shame. Lead character was dreadful as well, Cara was better.

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The Cara Project

Unfortunately very disappointed

(Edit) 25/11/2017

I got bad vibes when I saw at the beginning that Cara had not authorised the film. Wasn't at all what I expected, just seemed to be loads interviews and quick shots of Cara. Gave up after 10 minutes, had so many more things more important to do.

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Baby Driver

Original movie with amazing soundtrack

(Edit) 25/11/2017

Very entertaining original film, amazing driving sequences and fine acting from everyone. Can thoroughly recommend.

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