Film Reviews by IG

Welcome to IG's film reviews page. IG has written 51 reviews and rated 334 films.

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The Railway Children Return


(Edit) 23/10/2022

Apart from Jenny Agutter in the cast and a train there is not much in this film that resonates with the warmth and charm of the original or in any way reflects the realities of the period and social norms of the day.

Instead we have woke messages of victimhood and rather bad-mannered children. More importantly perhaps it makes very little effort to be entertaining.

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First Cow

Slow As Wood

(Edit) 17/02/2022

This may be a good film, we'll never know, turned it off after enduring 20 minutes of dull mumbling inaction that lacked any atmosphere or purpose, to compound matters the screen format mimics that of old style cinema/TV which renders your wide screen TV pointless, and, if it's OLED does nothing for the longevity of the led's.

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In Her Hands

Far From Challenging

(Edit) 29/05/2021

Totally predictable, shallow, feel good story that will not test your intellect or emotions, that said we found it quite entertaining and a pleasant interlude from the grim stuff we usually watch.

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Riviera: Series 1

Dull as Ditchwater

(Edit) 12/04/2021

Gave up on this after watching 3 episodes, maybe it gets better, frankly I just don't care. Bond without the humour, McMafia without the style, The Night Manager without the acting finesse, none of these were for me either but they all feature sterotypes, cliches, and simplistic plotlines so are roughly of the same ilk as Riviera.

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The Immortal


(Edit) 06/02/2021

You really need to have watched the series Gomorrah, which is brilliant, to make full sense of this film.

Like the series a simple gangster tale is uplifted by great direction and acting performance into a compelling emotional story.

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The Whistlers


(Edit) 06/01/2021

Gets off to a reasonable and promising start but then meanders through a rather formulaic route to a dull ending, passes the time but that is about it.

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Come as You Are

Amusing and Moving

(Edit) 27/11/2020

Very watchable, a lot of humour intertwined with some touching moments presented in a non-judgemental style. Well worth a watch.

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The Personal History of David Copperfield

Not for Us

(Edit) 20/11/2020

This failed for us on many levels, not least the bizarre, almost surreal, mixed race casting.

The style is amateurish, content is not that entertaining, a few good moments and decent performances but generally just dull.

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The Singapore Grip

Far from gripping

(Edit) 20/10/2020

Downhill all the way after a promising start concluding with the last episode that has all the feel that the money had run out in equal measures to the enthusiasm of the scriptwriters, director and actors. Visually not a bad job as a period piece but there is little else to recommend. The style is confused and often farcical, the characters are all two dimensional at best, a simplistic plot that lacks intellectual depth.

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(Edit) 22/08/2020

Stunning portrait of a dignified woman whose life is beyond anything I have experience of, beautiful and very moving.

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(Edit) 03/08/2020

Each to their own, but, we thoroughly disliked this film and turned it off after 30 minutes, maybe it improved, I doubt it and really don't care. I appreciate that the story is intended to amuse and ridicule the social mores of the period but that does not excuse the lightweight style of this film, more to the point the soundtrack is loud, intrusive and totally inappropriate: Worse than a B movie.

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Motherless Brooklyn

Good but not Great

(Edit) 03/08/2020

Moderately interesting film, adequately delivered, nicely produced with some stylish moments. That the central character has Tourette's Syndrome is a double edged sword, it adds to the interest but as in real life is a rather irritating affliction all round.

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The Informer

Good but not Great.

(Edit) 30/06/2020

Well made film with decent actors that moves along and entertains, downside is a rather predictable storyline similar in many ways to a host of other films of this genre, a good but not great film.

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Official Secrets

Modern Tragedy

(Edit) 30/06/2020

I thought this would be rather dull and with the benefit of hindsight present a rose-tinted view of events, luckily I was wrong, a quite gripping film that presents the facts succintly. Well worth a watch.

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(Edit) 29/05/2020

We found this rather lacking in emotion, bland, sanitised and overall very dull. Suggest you watch Gallipoli or Hacksaw Ridge for a gripping war film, this one isn't.

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