Film Reviews by IG

Welcome to IG's film reviews page. IG has written 51 reviews and rated 334 films.

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Cold War

Worth A Watch

(Edit) 27/03/2019

A good, but, not great film, that holds your attention and is worth a watch. Delivers a very authentic period feel, with very capable direction and acting, far from boring.

Subtitles are a let down, small font, white characters often against a light background, and not always on long enough to read in full.

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First Reformed

Compelling Watch

(Edit) 15/12/2018

A bleak, humourless, depressing film that treads a different path and is surprisingly compelling to watch.

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Black Butterfly

Slow As Wood

(Edit) 25/11/2018

Gave up on this one third in, too dull and uneventful, with lacklustre uninteresting acting. Maybe it gets better later on, we'll never know or care for that matter.

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The Happy Prince

Decline and fall of a literary emperor

(Edit) 31/10/2018

A brilliant piece of work by Rupert Everett all round, intelligent, interesting and a delight to watch, amazing really focusing as it does on the morally questionable and rather seedy last years of Wilde's life: Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Mary Shelley


(Edit) 22/10/2018

Whether this accurately represents the actual life and motivations of the people involved, or genuinely presents any insight into Mary Shelley's intentions as to how her novel was to be perceived appears to bother some viewers of this film, for me, it is an entertaining period drama that was an enjoyable watch.

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Slower than Wood

(Edit) 22/10/2018

We gave up watching this, life is too short, found it very dull, perhaps it picked up pace we'll never know or care. On a practical note the subtitles were not the easiest to read either.

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In the Fade

Intense & Believable

(Edit) 15/10/2018

This is a gripping film that gets off to a quick start and builds in intensity, Diane Kruger's performance is first rate. The story is entirely believable which will not sit well with everyone, and, some will find the subject matter not exactly entertaining. However, it does reflect the times we live in and in our view is well worth a watch.

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You Were Never Really Here


(Edit) 15/10/2018

Although a fairly watchable film, with an excellent soundtrack that complements the mood throughout it is not really that entertaining. The story is depressing from every angle, even Joaquin Phoenix's stellar acting cannot save the day. You will either really appreciate this film or hate yourself for wasting your life watching it.

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Molly's Game

Lightweight & Mildly Entertaining

(Edit) 17/09/2018

A watchable and mainly entertaining film that moves along avoiding too many dull moments. For me though it never builds any tension or drama and ultimately lacks pace . Additionally, few of the characters portrayed demonstrate much in the way of personality or interest, with the notable exception of Molly herself. That said it entertains, is well put together, easy to watch, but, it hardly challenges one's intellect.

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Gave Up

(Edit) 17/09/2018

This may be a good film beyond the first 35 minutes we'll never know, found it dull, slow and pointless, the film totally failed to entertain, inform or interest us, could not bear to continue watching, turned it off.

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I, Tonya

Shockingly Amusing

(Edit) 26/08/2018

If you are easily offended, object to bad language, and, are uncomfortable with poking fun at the intellectually challenged then I would give this film a miss. On the other hand, if you are not expecting a documentary, like dark humour and appreciate films with a quirky style then this one comes highly recommended.

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Journey's End

Good but Grim

(Edit) 26/08/2018

Well executed film that portrays the absolute futility of the first world war and the complete stupidity of the aristocratic prats "in charge". Not an easy watch, or particularly entertaining, a worthwhile watch nonetheless.

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A Fantastic Woman

Compelling Watch

(Edit) 14/08/2018

A film about real life and real life prejudices: Although the plot is simple, the first-class delivery by Daniela Vega in the central role captures your interest and holds it through to the end.

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The Hero

Moderately Interesting

(Edit) 27/05/2018

A simple, competent film that adequately passes an hour and a half, quite watchable, decent actors, but, is not really that interesting. If you are a Sam Elliott fan you will not be disappointed, others may be.

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Striking Out: Series 1

Lightweight & Mildly Entertaining

(Edit) 27/05/2018

Quite amusing, with some likeable characters, easy to follow, little effort required of the viewer, we didn't dislike it, but, we won't be watching any future series. Story overall lacks any credibility or complexity, mind you most TV soaps are the same and many find them entertaining.

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