Film Reviews by CW

Welcome to CW's film reviews page. CW has written 6 reviews and rated 11 films.

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You, the Living


(Edit) 03/04/2024

Supposedly a comedy, but the humour passed us by. Clearly carefully thought out, but the corpse like characters and their enigmatic goings on leftus cold.

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Dumb Money

Ok, but too much f...

(Edit) 27/02/2024

This was an interesting account of a stock market phenomenon that was spoilt for me by the relentlessly foul language.

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Parallel Mothers

Almodovar at his bes

(Edit) 28/07/2022

A wonderfully perceptive film about motherhood, matriarchs amd inheritance. Adept at linking public to private and past Spansh history to the present.

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Self indulgent and pretentious

(Edit) 04/07/2022

This is one of the few films we decided not to watch to the end. We regularly list films given favourable reviews in the Times newspaper but this is our second recent mis-pick. I wondered whether this meant that we eldery film enthusiasts are out of touch with current life, but am reassured that we are not alone in giving up on this film. If it had been cut by one third of its length, it might have delivered a meaningful message about performance art.

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Unexpected horror film

(Edit) 11/05/2022

We are elderly Western film fans. The title of Deer Skin and the jacket image led us to mistake this film for a Western which it definitely isnt. It could be construed as an essay on film making and the filming of horror, but the violence is extreme and we did not watch it to the end. I guess if I had googled the film, I would have been forewarned.

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Lacks English subtitles

(Edit) 26/10/2021

We suggested the purchase of this dvd and are glad to have seen it. However it is a German language film and (as far as we could see) it has no English subtitles.

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