Welcome to SKC's film reviews page. SKC has written 31 reviews and rated 1591 films.
I was looking forward to something that gave a brief synopsis of the history of the county. This was filmed post pandemic so it touched on the economy and economic decline of the county.
This guy has done many documentaries but this felt more like a lesson from the BBC, a veiled criticism of the government. With the obligatory "Global Climate Emergency statement. I was left without a sense of the character and enormity of the county. Nor did it look at positive aspects. I still don't feel I have a sense of Cornwall. I think at times, Reeves looked like he was suppressing a smirk or groin. This came across as especially disrespectful when speaking with the man at the food bank.
Obnoxious entitled girls on holiday. Nothing else to say. Even the great actor Samuel Bottomley could not save this. Switched off after a few minutes and a fast search to see if it went anywhere, it didn't. It reminded me why I always book a holiday where western Europeans don't go. Vile.
Charlie Reid absolutely steals this film. A superb performance. I love this film. Olivia Coleman plays Olivia Coleman with a wavering Irish accent but I am sure her fans will love this too. A road movie with a difference.
The original is the best. This has to be Spielberg's first flop. Why re-make a film for it to look as near to the original as possible. Don't waste a rental.
Being gay can be very embarrassing and watching the efforts of gay men is no exception. Like the majority of "gay" cinema, it is invariably an opportunity for the creator to sexually objectify young men or just get male genitals on the screen. This clear double standard is apparent and commonplace amongst mainstream TV and films. It's a disgustingly cheap trick used to gain attention or notoriety. This film was just so weak and not worthy of a watch. Yet the actors will end up all over gay forums and indeed adult sites. Whilst my views will encourage others to watch it, I think its high time the males were treated fairly and afforded the dignity that females are afforded, despite their protestations.
There's something just wrong when you happen upon a film this bad yet when you see the so called "critic's review" below, then you know you have not watched the same film or you are not connected with somebody involved. Watch the extras because I love to see people chatting s#1t and acting all superior over this pile of crock. When you have to read online reviews and descriptions about the plot just to get a grasp of what is going on, you know something is wrong.
I think the lead actor is wasted in this film and is very talented indeed. His performance is deep and intense and like most young men in this industry, had to get naked for a totally pointless and a little disturbing scene where he was laid on the bed naked. Typical female writer. I say avoid it like the plague.
I do not know who the director is but she needs to find a new job. When you watch something like this you realise that she is clearly part of the connected crowd and like the London elite champagne socialists, got somewhere because of WHO she knows and clearly not by what she knows.
Sixth sense was an outstanding film. I don't think this guy has ever made a decent film since then,. This was just awful.
One of the best British films I have seen in a long time. I love everything about it. I would rather just say watch it as opossed to spoiling it. Must see.
THE best incarnation of Batman ever. Dark, moody, stylised, creepy, frightening and absolutely rivetting.
Robert Pattinson is breathtaking in the role.
This is one of those films where the film length can put you off. Don't be put off. It's well worth the time.
I would say this has to be the most blatant example of sexist objectification in a film. The writer director is clearly in love with the main actor. Surprisingly, for a film from an Islaminc country, gay film makers there too can include male genitals. Now I know many will rent the film for that purpose alone, each to his own. Sometimes being gay can be embarrasing with the films we offer to the world. For me, watching paint dry would be a better use of my time.
One of the most boring piles of crock ever presented as a film. It is one of those films where you can actually make up the storyline yourself. Suitable mainly to female snowflakes who need a safe space to create their own notion of victimhood and entitlement. In fact I do not even remember adding this to my list because there is nothing of appeal when I click on the link. that would make me add to the list. I must have been very drunk.
This is a remake using black actors. I would seriously recommend the original film starring Tim Robbins. Much better story and much more scary and just a much better film. Search on here as it is available.
The torture of a young boy was sick and paedophilic. If it had been a young girl it would have caused outrage. Don't waste your rental. Has little in the way of connections to The Shining.
Misandry and sexist cliches about teenage boys. Appalling. Not worth a look. Incorrectly categorized
This one is worth a watch JUST for the film about the nurses who helped the aids victims back in the 1980s.