Film Reviews by JB

Welcome to JB's film reviews page. JB has written 19 reviews and rated 21 films.

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Dream Horse


(Edit) 26/01/2022

I loved this film, from start to finish it was heartwarming and really great to watch. would gladly watch it again

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Body of Water


(Edit) 26/01/2022

Did not like this at all, in fact I stopped watching half way through, boring and predictable definiely not something i would watch again though the subject was emotive

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The Father


(Edit) 02/11/2021

This film really moved me. The acting was wonderful and Anthony Hopkins excelled as the father. My heart broke for him as i could see how distressed he was. It was a film i will never forget,, truly amazing and very very truthful. I would really recommend watching this very very moving film

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Thought provoking

(Edit) 02/11/2021

this was, as recommended to me, a very thought provoking film. fern was a very amazing character, played wonderfully by Frances McDormand. It gave me a look into a very different world, a world where everybody supported each other and helped each other. A truly amazing film worth watching. I did not want it to end, i wanted to know what Fern did next! Wonderful!!

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Unforgotten: Series 4


(Edit) 02/09/2021

sorry this series has ended would love to have had more, all characters were amazing specially Nicola Walker and Sanjeev Bhaskar.

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wonderful and moving

(Edit) 21/04/2021

I really loved this film , the acting was amazing, the story emotional and very moving. I sat riveted from start to finish. i would willingly watch it again. Loved it!

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A Rainy Day in New York

Not for me

(Edit) 30/12/2020

this film had subtitles which bothered me so much that I abandoned the film in exasperation without watching it!!

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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood


(Edit) 30/12/2020

I really liked this film and enjoyed every moment. Tom Hanks was so believable, it was great to see him play this character. Very enjoyable

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The Personal History of David Copperfield

not what i was expecting

(Edit) 04/12/2020

I was very disappointed as was told it was amusing but it didn't even raise a smile in spite of the sterling cast

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Love Sarah


(Edit) 04/12/2020

Loved this film, it was sad, funny and very very worth the watch. I enjoyed every minute! Well worth watching!!

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Playing with Fire


(Edit) 28/10/2020

starting watching this but got bored after 10 minutes, not worth my time, I wish I hadn't rented it , it was extremely silly

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Ride Like a Girl

Great film

(Edit) 28/10/2020

I didn't know this was a true story, loved it! An amazing story and was riveted from the very beginning. Extremely good watch!

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Mrs. Lowry and Son


(Edit) 14/02/2020

found this incredibly slow and monotonous. Though gathered that his Mother was a real bitch, how on other did he live with being under her thumb? It was much too slow for me to enjoy, wouldn't recommend it to anyone!

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The Keeper


(Edit) 28/01/2020

loved this film in spite of not being interested in football. great acting and sympathetic characters

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On Chesil Beach


(Edit) 21/05/2019

slow and boring did not watch it all in the end as I could not be bothered! Would not recommend this film to anybody

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