Film Reviews by RD

Welcome to RD's film reviews page. RD has written 28 reviews and rated 225 films.

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Black Adam

It's a Superhero movie, were you expecting realism ?

(Edit) 11/11/2023

I'm not sure what the reviews panning CGI were expecting. You know that superheroes don't really exist, right?

It's going to be pretty hard to do a non-CGI superhero movie isn't it?

I actually thought it was entertaining, despite all the shoe-horned DC Justice League garbage.

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Boring, tedious and incomprehensible

(Edit) 31/03/2023

One extra star for the ending where the action becomes vaguely interesting. The story is still dire though.

Also, they can mention 4chan, but not Reddit ? xD

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The Matrix Resurrections

What were you expecting?

(Edit) 27/01/2023

Let's be honest. There was absolutely no way that a sequel would ever rival the groundbreaking original Matrix movie.

It was a product of it's time; you can't have a sequel to an original concept by its very nature.

It's entertaining to a degree as long as you don't think too much, but then you should never think too much about the original.

No idea why they felt the need for a cover of 'Killing in the Name of' for the end credits when the original would have done much better.

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Just a bit boring

(Edit) 01/07/2022

Who writes these synopses ?

The film is called Holiday and the synopsis says 'whilst on vacation' :|

We haven't yet been subsumed by the yanks you know :S

Anyway. It's bit plodding, there's basically a porn scene in the middle but really not that much happens.

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If you like your films complicated and confusing..

(Edit) 18/12/2021

..then this film is for you.

On the surface it's an OK action film, but it doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.

There's a lot of gobbledy-gook which doesn't make sense to any sane person, and yeah, as the other reviews have said, a lot of mumbling.

Thank God for subtitles.

I guess it's worth watching just to say you have.

If you want to understand it it would probably take multiple watches. If you have the patience.

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Total Recall

Oldie but goodie

(Edit) 27/11/2021

As the other review said, this film is 30 years old, but if you're a science fiction fan (or an Arnie fan), it's an enjoyable romp.

This has to take the title for the best cheesy Arnie one-liners ever :D

The next time I click 'Contact Us' on a website and get a bot saying 'I'm sorry, I did not understand your query', I will be asking it if it is Johnny-Cab.

I'm not sure the 4K version adds anything tho

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Finding the Way Back

Underrated and definitely worth a watch

(Edit) 20/11/2021

I think the other reviews do this film a disservice. Although there is a sport theme running throughout, I wouldn't say it's a sports film.

As other reviews have mention, the earlier detail of the matches is skipped over to progress the story.

At it's heart it's a story of a broken life, how we deal with it, how it affects us, how we can possibly move on.

None of these ideas are resolved; if they were, we would be venturing into cliche territory.

There are no answers here, just observations

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Bear with it

(Edit) 29/10/2021

The first half is plodding, a bit boring and all over the place.

I was so close to turning it off.

The second half was definitely better

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District 9

Still good after all these years

(Edit) 22/10/2021

I saw this in the cinema on release and loved it.

10+ years later on 4K it is definitely worth a revisit.

'Don't point, those bloody tentacles, at me!' xD

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Jumanji: The Next Level

Decent enough sequel

(Edit) 20/08/2021

I mean, nobody expects sequels to be much better than the original do they ?

Has enough different ideas to be entertaining. though not amazing.

Worth it for Danny's final use of the character alone (trying not to give spoilers)

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The 12th Man

Loved it

(Edit) 17/07/2021

A thoroughly moving film, and the fact that it is based on a true story should make it even more so.

Yes, it is long, but you wouldn't expect an epic journey to be finished in thirty minutes, would you?

In my opinion, a good film should connect with you emotionally, and this one certainly does.

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The Assistant

A film for people who have never had a demanding job

(Edit) 03/07/2021

The premise of this film seems to be 'girl gets depressed when corporate life isn't the fairy tale she thought it would be'.

The first rule of corporate life is cover your own arse. This girl hasn't realised it yet.

The assumption that behaviour towards her is sexism could also be explained by power. The lowest rung will always get crapped on.

Admittedly the HR dude's attitude is overboard, but at the same time, she was naive to think her 'feelings' would ever stand up in a tribunal without any facts.

HR are there to protect the company, not the employees.

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Ok, but preachy

(Edit) 19/06/2021

Much of what I have to say has been said by other reviewers.

There are some amusing moments, mostly in the flashbacks to youth. The cast is star-studded.

But it does suffer from the preachy message it rams down the throat of the viewer.

I think we all agree that sweatshops are bad, but I'm not exactly sure how the makers are expecting businesses to operate. The lower the costs, the greater the profits. And profits are the goal of business, especially for public companies.

It's hypocritical to demonise capitalism whilst at the same time being avid consumers with iPads, £1000 iPhones, disposable fashion replaced every week, etc. etc.

And sensationalist messages such as 'sweatshop workers earn the equivalent of £3.63 a day' are meaningless if compared to UK living as is the intention.

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Confusing. But good.

(Edit) 11/06/2021

I'm not a huge fan of anime, so if you are you might give it more stars.

Takes a while to get going.


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The Gentlemen

Was expecting less, but got more

(Edit) 16/04/2021

I've watched a lot of films recently and most of them have been mediocre.

When I started to watch this I wasn't aware it was Guy Ritchie till I came back to look on Cinema Paradiso, at which point I expected less. Could it compare to Snatch and Lock Stock?

Turned out it could. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it is definitely one of the better films I've seen recently

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