Film Reviews by HO

Welcome to HO's film reviews page. HO has written 12 reviews and rated 352 films.

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Hope Gap

I want to leave her

(Edit) 09/06/2021

Where to start? Really not great, in my humble opinion. I wanted to leave this woman after ten minutes into the movie, never mind 29 years of marriage. An agressive/passive aggressive nightmare of a woman, projecting her nonsense on the world ain't that entertaining really, not in this movie anyway. I guess, as a warning to women who verbally batter and attack their husbands and then are suprised and hurt when they leave, it could be useful.

I don't think the play transfers well to the screen. lots of panoramic views of the white cliffs, the sea etc to fill in gaps. Some good acting, especially from the son character but Annette Benning's hash of the English accent was painful. Think Bridget Jones and Emma, all that flat vowels!!! She sounded more like Michael Caine than anything. Obviously there were no female actors of a certain age who actually have a natural English accent - or am I being racist? Even Bill Nighy doesn't come out well.

England looks lovely.

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Superb acting

(Edit) 09/06/2021

I really enjoyed this movie, although it lags a bit in the middle. Great cast and acting. Great insights in the deeply shallow world of the rich central character and her friends and family. She is quite despicable and reaps her own rewards. The delightful maid Maria is so utterly authenic and lovely, she strikes a wonderful contrast to her employers.

It's a visually beautiful film and very entertaining. Really worth a watch.

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Woke Warning

(Edit) 30/04/2021

Historically inaccurate and misleading woke nonsense. Really ham Meryl S. style overacting from Gemma too. Designed for the American market yet again? Blah.

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Seriously good

(Edit) 30/04/2021

Just can't get enough of films from Chile. It's this magical realism thing they've got. What a complex character Neruda was and how well this film depicts it. Part piece of art, part comedy, part serious. Love it.

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V for Vendetta

R for relevant

(Edit) 30/04/2021

Wow, what a film. Can't believe i've only just watched it. How incredibly pertinent to the current situation and covid narrative.

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Military Wives

Better than i thought

(Edit) 30/04/2021

This film really moved me. Beautifully acted and filmed, it really captures the life of these wives, without judgement one way or the other. I loved it, i was moved and i feel educated after watching it. So great to see a British film that hasn't been adulterated for the American market.

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Charlie's Country


(Edit) 30/04/2021

This is an incredibly moving, powerful film about modern Australia and the plight of the native community. Charlie is an great character, full of longing for freedom and a better life. I just love Australian cinema and this is it as it's finest.

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The Last Tree

Great new talent

(Edit) 30/04/2021

I was really moved by this film. It covers a lot of ground (race, abandonment, fostering) and pulls no punches. The lead is brilliant and he's embodiment of the role makes it a compelling film. It's not easy to watch in many parts and yet is leads you to an honest and redeeming end. Great British cinema.

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Woman at War

The Perfect Movie?

(Edit) 30/04/2021

Can't tell you how much i loved this film! Have even included an exclamation mark. Got a soft spot for Icelandic films but they are usually so bleak as well as brilliant. This is full of humour, as well as some bleakness. Beautiful filming, wonderful characters, redemption, meaning, loads of bureaucratic hypocrites, a yogi, it's got everything. Wonderful stuff.

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Wild Rose

And I don't even like Country

(Edit) 30/04/2021

Yet, i loved this. Great lead, so talented and so flawed. Great children, great mum holding it all together. Packed full of important issues, dealt with without smultz. REally enjoyed this.

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In a World

It grew on me

(Edit) 25/11/2014

Took a while to get going but this one grew on me. Not laught out loud funny but likeable and at times charming.

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Drinking Buddies


(Edit) 25/11/2014

Well, that was a deeply unsatisfying experience. One of those 'beautiful wild chick' films that has left me feeling nothing.

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