Film Reviews by MF

Welcome to MF's film reviews page. MF has written 8 reviews and rated 139 films.

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Made no sense

(Edit) 04/06/2023

Very unrealistic, even taking into account the "twist" at the end.

No one struggles when awful violence is carried out on them, no one actually stands up to Bull (who, let's be honest, isn't really scary or intimidating) and no sign of the police even though the villains leave blood, weapons and fingerprints everywhere they go.

And Bull seems to have a unique ability to slice knives through flesh and bone with minimum effort. Silly.

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Little Joe

Am I missing something ??

(Edit) 28/06/2021

An interesting idea that fails to fulfill it's potential. Very low key, slowly paced and visually basic, it's worrying when the best performance in the film comes from a plant. It could have been a very distrubing film but it's just "Meh". Don't expect too much in terms of acting, directing, suspense, drama or surprises and you may enjoy it.

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Tin Star: Series 3


(Edit) 26/05/2021

Who knew that Liverpool police are so incompetent that murderers can openly kill and walk around in plain sight without fear of arrest. The entire series made no logical sense with plot holes big enough to pass a cruise liner through.

And Tim Roth is the least scary "hard man" in TV history, except for his nemisis, Ian Hart.

Awful series filled with despicable people acting in totally unrealistic ways from one scene to the next.

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The Leftovers: Series 1


(Edit) 21/02/2020

I had no preconceived ideas about this show so watched with an open mind prepared to stop viewing if it proved to be a dud. I'm delighted to say that I haven't enjoyed a s series as much as this since Breaking Bad. Plausible twists and turns in every episode and many unanswered questions to continue in series two, which I only hope is as good as this one.

I will be recommending everyone I know (with adult tastes) to watch this series.

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Westworld: Series 2

What a mess

(Edit) 26/03/2019

With characters constantly being killed and resurrected, I defy anyone to explain what the hell is going on with this series. Are they making a third one? Surely not, although the amount of money that seems to have been spend on the sets means they may have to. Jonathan Nolan isn't very good, is he?

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The Final Year

Heart Breaking

(Edit) 21/10/2018

It's ultimately depressing to watch the efforts of the decent people in this film and realise that it's all being undone by that shallow puddle of a "president", Trump.

Obama wasn't perfect, but compared to this current administration …. jeez!!!!

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The Monster Project

utter rubbish

(Edit) 09/08/2018

Hand held rubbish. God, I'm sick to death of this style of film making. It's ugly and totally unconvincing ….. and not remotely scary for a "horror" film.

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The Ghoul

Worth watching

(Edit) 27/06/2018

Obviously low budget but all the better for that …. and infinitely more engaging than the usual Hollywood tripe where the only scare to be had is a piece of (bad) CGI jumping out the screen at you. Made the viewer think harder than the average horror film and the disc always has the brilliant, "The Baron", in the extras to lighten the mood.

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