Welcome to RW's film reviews page. RW has written 7 reviews and rated 192 films.
This film is a masterpiece of film making; from the acting to the cinematography, it oozes class. A*
A harowing, yet gripping and complex untold story; not an easy watch, but well worth anyone’s time. The production, acting and cinematography is superb. ‘Life’s not tidy’.
As per the reviews on the DVD cover, the words ‘powerful’, ‘gripping’ and ‘brilliant’ sum it up in three words. If you only watch one Bulgarian film about a teacher this year, make it this one.
I had planned to write a long review of this film, but having read
Adrijan Arsovski’s review (Cinema Paradiso-Critic Review tab),
I would urge everyone to read that, as it explains the film perfectly.
I will add briefly though, that a review of the film, which said
that it is ‘Totally Nuts’, also hits the nail on the head.
Had I knew what the film was about before sitting down to watch it, I would have gone down the pub, however I'm glad I did watch it. Superb story, acting and cinematography. Humorous (subtle and not "laugh out loud"), but also dark and poignant. Please take a punt and watch it, unless your favourite film is "Dude, where's my car?".
In my opinion, The Office was a hilarious, groundbreaking and unique comedy; twelve episodes of perfection. I so wished that he'd left it at that but then came a Xmas special to spoil it, and sixteen years later, this. In ' David Brent: Life on the Road', Ricky Gervais has made 'The Office-the movie' and I so wished he hadn't, as it's cliched, predictable and weak. I did laugh out once or twice, but mostly winced at how awful it was. I can only guess that Gervais had a tax bill to pay; he is a comedy genius and there was no need for this.
One of the best films that I've seen in a long time. Didn't read much about it before watching, it but just heard it had good reviews so gave it a go; suggest everyone else does so too. Didn't like jazz before watching it, but I have listened to it (mainly the film soundtrack) since watching this film; don't have to like jazz though to enjoy it though. 6 stars.