Film Reviews by Koppert79

Welcome to Koppert79's film reviews page. Koppert79 has written 10 reviews and rated 499 films.

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You can do it

(Edit) 04/01/2020

Edie staring 83 year old Shiela Hancock as Edie who loses her husband and decides to climb a mountain in Scotland.

It's a very sentimental film there is no doubt, its about living life and not letting it slip by and dying not achieving your goals but sometimes on a weekend it's nice to just relax and watch something like this.

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The Goldfinch

Needed an extra half hour

(Edit) 23/11/2019

The Goldfinch was quite a special book full of atmosphere and suspense as well of coming of age. Its also a bloody big book so to make it work in a short film is quite difficult. That is the movies let down. The development of characters that is expansive in the book was lacking the space they needed in the film. Its still a decent enough flick but you just don't get drawn into the emotion of the people involved.

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Pin Cushion

Great indy cinema

(Edit) 19/09/2019

There is a great sub genre in American indy cinema with films like Welcome to the Dollhouse which is quirky, unique and the right side of weird. Now the UK can match them. This is incredible

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Mary and the Witch's Flower

Rip Ghibli, long live the next generation

(Edit) 07/07/2019

When Studio Ghibli finished some of the young team formed a new studio and this is their first film. If I need to tell you more than that then let me just tell you this. It's brilliant.

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A Prayer Before Dawn

Incredible Film

(Edit) 02/08/2018

Approach with caution, this is a very difficult film to watch and shows the Thai prisons for all their brutality and disgust. Gritty gets used a lot but this really is. However if you can get through that there is an amazing piece of art here with a string story and very well acted. A film that will not leave you.

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For fans of the Fifth Element

(Edit) 17/01/2018

I may have been distracted because Cara Delevingne is so beautiful. But this is basically a fun sci fi in the vein of Fifth Element. Lots of action, aliens and comedy. Just great entertainment

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The Transfiguration

Fantastic take on the vampire genre

(Edit) 09/01/2018

The Transfiguration will be marmite to viewers. In a way thi is the manifestation of the vampire mythology superimposed on American impoverished ghetto culture.

Smart indie flick that stays with you. A gem of independent cinema, many hate it, I thought it was genius

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The House

It gave me laughs

(Edit) 09/01/2018

Look, you have seen the cast and so you know exactly what you are going to get. Is it their best? No, it’s not a classic. Did it make me laugh? Yes all the way through and after all that’s what this genre if for. A chance to dumb down, enjoying some dumb jokes and have some dumb fun. Although it’s not a classic it’s achieves its purpose.

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The Boy with the Topknot

Strong Emotional film.

(Edit) 08/12/2017

This isn't a coming of age film. It's more of a coming of enlightenment film. Very strong performances and issues raised on ethnicity and mental health. Quite brilliant movie.

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The Merciless

Another South Korean crime gem

(Edit) 19/11/2017

It's about the gangsters and dodgy police and it's from south Korea. Do you need to even guess that this is brilliant

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