Film Reviews by JC

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The More You Ignore Me

Absolute Rubbish

(Edit) 09/09/2020

One wonders how a film like this ever got made. And how it is described as a comedy is completely beyond belief. I am giving this film one star because it has absolutely nothing going for it. A total waste of time.

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Swimming Pool


(Edit) 01/05/2019

This film started off ok, Charlotte Rampling giving a great performance as usual. However, about half way through it started to lose the plot, so to speak, and the ending was a bit lame and very unbelievable..

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La Noche

Crap film

(Edit) 06/12/2017

Films of this sort should have a warning of extreme gay sex so that people who do not want to watch pornography can avoid ordering it. We switched off as soon as the erect penis was waved in front of our eyes. Why can Cine Paradiso not have a sticker on this sort of film to warn the unsuspecting viewer of what to expect? I am glad I stopped watching and turned on ‘Songs of Praise’ to help me recover from the scenario described above.

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Boudu Saved from Drowning

Big disappointment

(Edit) 19/08/2012

With totally unbelievable characters and plot, not even very funny, this film provoked only a few titters. Luckily it is quite short, otherwise we'd probably have switched it off before the end. With lots of slap and tickle,one particular scene was particularly offensive in which the wife of the lascivious Lestingois is set upon by the obviously mentally challenged and brutish Boudu who forces himself upon her, reinforcing the idea that when a woman says no she really means yes. Hardly a seduction. It shows how prevalent sexism was in that era. Rather unpleasant actually.

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