Film Reviews by cb

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Mary Queen of Scots

Historically Inaccurate

(Edit) 27/11/2019

I'm in total agreement with the review by MC. Mary and Elizabeth never met . A totally inept attempt to rewrite history and mislead. Just plain silly!!!

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(Edit) 01/05/2018

After a promising start it descended into pure nonsense! I'm afraid I lost my way after 30 minutes. Stephen King deserves better than this. For real horror try 'Salem's Lot' or 'Misery'.

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Hugely Enjoyable

(Edit) 27/12/2017

Having lived in Lincoln Nebraska for 3 years, I thought I'd give it a go! I didn't expect much but was so glad I chose it. Bruce Dern was superb as the unhappy main character, ably supported by the rest of the cast.

I especially enjoyed the family reunion in Nebraska - so true to life and acted without showiness by the other characters. In fact, they barely moved! So true to life.

I could have done without the mawkishness at the end, but all in all I would thoroughly recommend you see this.

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