Film Reviews by AM

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The Baby in the Basket

No Subtitles again...

(Edit) 22/02/2025

This company, High Fliers never have subtitles available. Deaf and hard of hearing are ignored. They should be boycotted by CinemaParadiso. They dismiss the disabled.

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WWII: Operation Phoenix

No subtitles!

(Edit) 10/01/2025

This label  - High Fliers - should be ashamed, they never have subtitles they care nothing for the disabled,

they are mercenary. Subtitling should be mandatory, a legal requirement. 

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no subtitles

(Edit) 06/07/2024

This could be a decent film, but I'll never know because it has no subtitles. Signature is one of the most cynical distributors - frequently offering films which are entirely unsuitable for deaf, hard of hearing or for viewers struggling to decipher difficult accents. It's time disabled people were catered for by law in the film industry as they are almost everywhere else..

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Born to Fly

A giggle of propaganda

(Edit) 26/03/2024

This is an appalling film but worth a watch if you want a laugh. It's Top Gun meets the Red Army Propaganda Unit. The story is as thin as tissue, a unit of trainee test pilots attempt to gather data on a technically failing jet engine in a "stealth" fighter. It's relentless furrowed brow action, ridiculous aerobatics, all try to mimic Top Gun without the humour. Few female actors and subdued but present homoerotic machismo. The machines are dated, rough hewn and the dog fights straight out of British WW2 RAF movies. The music is relentlessly awful and the pace has no light and shade. BUT it's a laugh. There's a sort of background narrative about "the enemy without" but it speaks more to the desperation of a dictatorship regime in a constant state of low self esteem. You won't stop grinning like a Cheshire Cat every time the throttle is thrust forward in an attempt to light the after burners to escape "the enemy"!

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Van Diemen's Land

No Subtitles. High Fliers still the worst.

(Edit) 01/03/2024

No Subtitles. High Fliers still the worst. Subtitles should be a legal requirement when companies like High Fliers don't care about the deaf.

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Superb acting, direction and photography..

(Edit) 22/02/2024

A village in Transylvania where Hungarians and  Romanians live in an uneasy coexistence, mostly bilingually, are more than threatened when a local bakery employs Sri-Lankans...their true xenophobia surfaces as they attempt to oust the gentle foreigners who, in their desire to work hard are the least racist. The scene where the villagers gather to 'debate' the 'problem' is a masterpiece of group acting and dialogue as it exposes the small mindedness of rural people who are threatened and frightened by what they don't understand - the scene degenerates to their own ancient inter-racial rivalries.

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The Old Oak

Riveting. Superb in every aspect

(Edit) 22/02/2024

A village in the desolate ex-coal mining north-east of England where a few villagers live a depressed existence. They  are more than threatened when family of Syrian refugees is housed in some of the old terraced housing...their true xenophobia surfaces as they attempt to oust the gentle foreigners who, in their desire to work hard and blend in are the least racist. The scene where the villagers gather to 'debate' the 'problem' is a masterpiece of group acting and dialogue as it exposes the small mindedness of rural people who are threatened and frightened by what they don't understand - for some of them the scene degenerates to angry racism. The local landlord does his best to stay neutral and at the same time offers help to the refugees and to deprived local families incurring the wrath of the small minded angry and vocal racists. A masterpiece of acting, direction and photography.

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The Wandering Earth II

Ambitious and successful in parts

(Edit) 02/01/2024

An attempt to make a simple story into something spectacular by adding individuals' stories and sub-plots. 

Story, a bit thin perhaps but it makes for compelling scenarios. The CGI is spectacular, sustained realistic sets, exquisite detail, not over done with gaudy colour or fantasy. Subtitles in Chinese version difficult to follow. Too fast and action is missed trying to read them and keep up with the fast complex plot. Switched to dubbed version (I hate dubbed soundtracks) - but - the whole film improved as the narrative pace settled. Not a great Sci-Fi idea, but well executed, it stayed well away from monsters and aliens. The design of the craft and bases, the interiors and weapons were plenty enough.

The American and foreign actors are appalling - very cheap I'd imagine. Ignore the injections of Chinese chutzpah and the attempt to suggest international cooperation is a decent try. Very long at almost 3 hours but worth it in the end. 

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Attack of the Meth Gator


(Edit) 03/11/2023

No subtitles - AGAIN? High Fliers are appalling!  This company consistently snubs people with hearing difficulties. There shoud be laws against the actions of companies like High Fliers.

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King of Killers

No Subtitles

(Edit) 30/09/2023

Useless, no subtitles. Signature are the cheapest, worst distributor... denying 10% of the population the right to access their films. Shame on them.

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Nevada Heist

No Subtitles. High Fliers yet again showing ttheir cpomtempt for the disabled.

(Edit) 24/06/2023

No Subtitles. High Fliers yet again showing their contempt for the disabled. Always the lowest standards, High Fliers are a low level organisation never offering the benefit of subtitles to the deaf and hard of hearing. Film makers should be aware of this studio's poor practice.

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Very disappointing.

(Edit) 16/06/2023

Apart from a great tribute to Chadwick Boseman the rest of this offering is disjointed, poorly paced, awkwardly edited and directed. Such a waste of really fine actors, cameramen and excellent CGI - for what it cost it should have been much better.

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MK Ultra

No Subtitles...

(Edit) 16/06/2023

High Fliers again showing their cheap lowlife approach by ignoring the disabled and omitting to add subtitles.

Can't watch this. Production companies should avoid this distributor. 

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No subtitles

(Edit) 10/06/2023

No subtitles!!

Can't watch this - can't hear. About time subtitles were standard as in other walks of life where the disabled are catered for.

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1915: Legend of the Gurkhas

No subtitles

(Edit) 10/06/2023

No subtitles - can't watch this, can't hear. Now is the time to make sue all films have subtitle facilities.

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