Film Reviews by AM

Welcome to AM's film reviews page. AM has written 48 reviews and rated 48 films.

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Savage Justice


(Edit) 18/02/2023

Can't watch this...NO SUBTITLES! Signature - one of the cheapskate outfits, can't be bothered to make subtitles...

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The Long Night


(Edit) 18/02/2023

High Fliers...the other cheapskate outfit who can't be bothered to add subtitles. Can't watch this...

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Detective Knight: Redemption

Not this one....oh no!

(Edit) 28/01/2023

Can't bring myself to hire this...after the debacle of recent releases of films starring Bruce, they're so bad as to be embarrassing. I can't imagine this too be any better. 

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Swan Song

An honest delicate study of a life.

(Edit) 20/01/2023

Sensitive, delicate and immersive acting - this film should never be classed as a lesbian/gay genre film. (No film should be classed lesbian/gay... any more than any film should be classed as straight/hetero!) It is a superb study of a life and the possibilities for re-emergence after a downfall leading to a triumph of the will. Swan Song slowly grows and tends its flower until it is in full bloom and we experience the re-creation of the glory of a life well lived. The characters are a delight and honest, with such understatement as to echo a documentary style production. Uno Keir produces an Oscar level performance and should be given one for this masterpiece.

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Bullet Train Down

High Fliers - still cheap and refusing to offer subtitles.

(Edit) 16/01/2023

High Fliers are consistently the worst distributor/studio - is it just to save them money? Yet again as with most films bearing their logo, NO SUBTITLES! There should be a law against this flagrant avoidance of a simple addition for disabled people - those whose hearing is impaired - in any other walk of life there is a mandate to cater for the disabled, why not in film? I have now stopped hiring or buying any film without subtitles, thank you Cinema Paradiso for indicating in "Available Formats" whether or not there are subtitles - Signature distributors/studio are also guilty sometimes but HIGH FLIERS NEVER HAVE SUBTITLES! All other studios appreciate their disabled audiences.

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Thor: God of Thunder

Expect awful

(Edit) 04/09/2022

Another from the notoriously awful High Fliers...expect it to be cheap and nasty. (No Chris Hemsworth!) it's trading on the myth... Main reason for dissent...High Fliers can't even be bothered with subtitles...I boycott them and I hope others do too.

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Ali and Ava

Looks like no subtitles!

(Edit) 14/03/2022

No subtitles listed so pointless hiring this one. Thanks Altitude - one of the cheapest distributors.

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Jekyll and Hyde

No Subtitles!

(Edit) 31/12/2021

It should illegal to distribute films without any case companies like High Fliers should provide them without the need for legislation. It's cheap and inconsiderate to ignore disabled people.

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Disappearance at Lake Elrod


(Edit) 08/11/2021

Can't see this film...NO SUBTITLES! This should be illegal.  Most of society recognises the need to support the disabled. Not so Lightbulb Film Distribution it seems.

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Out of Death

No Subtitles - again!

(Edit) 07/10/2021

No subtiles - cheap distributors again. Bruces last couple of outings were appalling beyond the pale so I'm giving this a miss...but mostly because THERE ARE NO SUBTITLES!! How are the hard of hearing supposed to cope with this when the solution is readily available and cheap!

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Rescue Squadron

No Subtitles

(Edit) 01/10/2021

Can't see this film as there are no subtitles. This is criminal.  High Fliers is now one of the only companies too cheap to include subtitles.

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The Power

No subtitles.

(Edit) 01/10/2021

Can't watch this film as it has no subtitles. This is a serious failing - a company which is too cheap to provide subtitles and  has no thought for the hard of hearing 

and deaf people should not be allowed to continue in business. 

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Haunting of the Mary Celeste

No Subtitles again...High Fliers distributors are substandard

(Edit) 24/09/2021

High Fliers are a cheap bunch (the worst) who have no thought for deaf people.

I can't hire this because IT HAS NO SUBTITLES.

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Green Book

Not a bad film but a poor copy. - Addition to previous review. Please read on....

(Edit) Updated 10/09/2021
Spoiler Alert

A poor copy of a French film: Untouchable which is superior in every way, but probably this is a reasonable alternative if you don't like subtitles.

The transposition of the characters from black to white seems crass and unnecessary. The premise is good but why remake an already superb film?

This seems to be the American way - to subsume a plot and a language to satisfy the home market.  At best the US versions are perhaps as good as the original Japanese, Korean, British, French or Czech but few make this grade...most are pale imitations of the originals and this is no exception. Enjoyable only if you've never seen Untouchable.

Having watched this for a second time it was more apparent that they are different stories with very different characters in a very similar situation. I feel I owe it to the film and the director and actors to revise my opinion...The acting is excellent, the direction and filming are excellent....the story is well told. I enjoyed it immensely the second time around.

My apologies for my knee jerk opinion previously. 

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The Last House

Amateur hour

(Edit) 08/06/2021

Apart from one or two inspired moments this film has the hallmarks of a poor student project (even students can be creative).

There's little back story and a narrative which is full of holes, unexplained causes and consequences.  Washed out colour looks like an attempt to add  grit and a range of camera styles and lighting confuses the atmosphere. No real story. Hitching a ride on the bandwagon of revenge movies - not coming close to tension or threat. Waste of time, waste of money. I will add that the actors have potential but not with this director.

Again no subtitles for those of us with hearing issues.  

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