Welcome to AM's film reviews page. AM has written 47 reviews and rated 47 films.
Another example of how Korean cinema can teach Hollywood a thing or two about storytelling and exquisite imagery.
Beautifully directed and acted with ever fluctuating sensuality and intrigue. The story takes twists and turns and dead
ends in a sleight of hand manipulating allegiances all the way to the denouement.
Cranston at his best (award winning performance) a gentle and heartfelt monologue of someone who doesn't know who he is and where he's going slowly but surely discovering his demons and rising to face them. Lacks a sense of place - probably east coast US - and other structures such as financial sources and backstories of any substance - some of the flashbacks seem to be there as a nod to audience expectations - and misses the opportunity to use imagery in a creative fashion ( a great problem with much US cinema - poor use of the screen as a creative tool).
This DVD has no subtitling and was very difficult for us to watch as a family as we frequently had to pause to explain to a hard of hearing relative.
Not good, not good...it may even violate laws regarding requirements for disabled people.