Film Reviews by PB

Welcome to PB's film reviews page. PB has written 2 reviews and rated 12 films.

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Awful ditto

(Edit) 04/03/2023

Rubbish - I made myself watch the first hour and then had to give up. I thought that it would develop but it didn’t . It was irritating right from the off with what the director must have thought passed for artistic camera angles. I like slow moving films in which nothing much happens but for that kind of film to work you have to feel connected to the characters  - recently saw The Quiet Girl which I thought was magnificent . Luckily I’d also rented The Ascent (Larisa Shepitko) which was an inspiring antidote. Don’t waste your time with Aftersun - it’s a superficial mess

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Little Joe


(Edit) 01/04/2021

It could have been developed into a good film from an interesting idea. Ben Whishaw  is one of my favourite actors - what were you doing Ben appearing in this rubbish. One of the worst films I’ve seen in a long time.

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