Welcome to Dean's film reviews page. Dean has written 2 reviews and rated 278 films.
Not much of a story, poor acting and poor dialogue. Characters not likeable or believable. The most interesting part of the movie is the true fact that appears in text on screen at the end.
This is the first film in a very long time that I could have just switched off. I stuck with it for about an hour but then forwarded through chunks of the film in desperation for something interesting.
I get the feeling this has been filmed and produced by someone arty as the film is shot from some very strange angles or behind windows and doors. Unfortunately it doesn't make the film any more interesting or enjoyable.
You kind of have to guess the underlying story as the film progresses but by the time you start to realise what has happened to Gere's character, you just don't really care anymore.
I think the film should be re-named "The many facial expressions of Richard Gere"