Film Reviews by sw

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In a Violent Nature

An Ambitious Failure.

(Edit) 16/01/2025

'In a Violent Nature' is in the end an ambitious failure.

While I admire the film makers attempt to deconstruct the slasher genre the finished result is somewhat of a disappointment. The decision to follow the 'action' from the point of view of the killer (an amalgam of the likes of Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers) is a bold but undermining one.

The viewer ends up looking at the back of the killers head while he ambles through the woods, for what seems like eternity, looking to off some teens for unwittingly releasing him from his slumber. While at least some of the resulting slaughter is inventively gruesome, because of the overall format, you are in no way invested in the victims, rendering the entire venture pretty much pointless.

Still, some credit must be given for trying to refresh a somewhat stale sub-genre. 6/10.

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Exquisitely Rendered Masterpiece...

(Edit) 06/01/2024

If you're vaguely interested in renting 'Harakiri' I implore you to do so because this is quite simply one of the greatest films put to celluloid. The two previous reviews have done a superb job of plot synopsis but I just wanted to reiterate how overwhelmingly powerful this cinematic experience is, not just emotionally but visually and sonically. The script is something to behold as is the direction and the acting is staggering.

Yep, 'Harakiri' is pretty much as close to perfection as it's possible to get, in this cinephile's humble opinion. 10/10

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A Jaw-Dropping Work Of Utter Genius...

(Edit) 14/11/2023

Takeshi 'Beat' Kitano's body of work as a director, in my humble opinion, rivals any of the true greats of cinema. 'Hana-Bi' is Kitano at his zenith and is a singular masterclass in film-making. Combining all this auteurs usual dazzling tropes of poetic melancholy, surreal humour and busts of blistering violence, in 'Hana-Bi' the bar is raised by (Kitano's) mesmerically confident editing and the quite achingly beautiful way he weaves his own paintings into the heart of this staggering achievement.

So if you're yet to experience the work of 'Beat' Takeshi then I strongly advise you to do so, I'm so glad I did. 10/10

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Quintessential Takeshi Kitano...

(Edit) 08/11/2023

If you're unfamiliar with the work of Takeshi Kitano then here's a word of warning... If you're expecting the high-octane, all-action, high kicking shenanigans usually associated with this genre then you will be sorely disappointed. 'Beat' Takeshi's style of filmmaking is the complete antithesis of this. 'Sonatine' is a quite beautiful mix of languid, poetic introspection, surreal humour and bursts of earth-shattering violence.

If that sounds like something you might enjoy then I highly recommend you rent 'Sonatine' and indeed the previous two in this trilogy... 'Violent Cop' 1989 and 'Boiling Point' 1991. 9/10.

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Slim, Subtle and Quite Brilliant...

(Edit) 21/08/2023

To be perfectly honest, I had no idea this film existed until about a year ago and after finally seeing 'Symptoms' that is a fact I'm ashamed of because this is a great British horror film.

From the opening minutes, the same feelings kept coming to me throughout, that this is such immensely assured and confident filmmaking. From the patience of the build up of the plot and character development to the dazzlingly detailed set design, this film simply drips pure quality. The three leads knock it out of the park but a special mention must go to Angela Pleasence, who nails both innocence and deeply disturbed in her mesmeric performance.

Oh, forgot to mention that 'Symptoms' is genuinely creepy and will stay with this particular film fan for a very long time.

A wonderful discovery. 9/10

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One Deadly Summer

A very Satisfying French Thriller...

(Edit) 06/06/2023

I just thought I'd pop in a comment on this very satisfying French thriller considering that their were non here.

The first 20 minutes suggest this film is going to be a typical French, rural set, sexy comedy of sorts however the thriller element slowly builds and ramps up to a to tense and satisfying conclusion.

Just a word on the mesmerising performance of Isabelle Adjani... She delivers a mighty turn as the troubled but gorgeous femme fatale / heroine. The film is worth seeing just for her quite brilliant acting and jaw-dropping beauty. 8/10.

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Blind Beast

A Haunting Surrealist Gem...

(Edit) 06/06/2023

If you love Japanese cinema, as I do, then I highly recommend you rent 'Blind Beast'.

The subject matter makes this a challenging watch but the pure style, elan and visual surrealism on display here is just off the scale.

'Blind Beast' is a fine and original example of everything I love about movies and cinema... A haunting surrealist gem. 9/10

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Cannibal Ferox

Low Expectations Proved Optimistic....

(Edit) 24/03/2023

Thanks to CinemaParadiso I'm in the process of indulging myself in the viewing of a slew of previously unseen 'classic' horror movies that appear on various lists of 'Horror Films you must watch before you die' and I'm, for the most part, enjoying the bumpy ride.

Then came Umberto Lenzi's 'Cannibal Ferox'.... This film is an absolute stinker from beginning to end. Seriously, this turkey has no redeemable features whatsoever. As a horror fan I'm unshockable when it comes to scares, gore, profanity, sex, nudity or anything else a good horror film can sling my way but 'Ferox' is just badly made guff.

If like me you're not averse to an entertaining low budget splatter-fest, then I'd advise you to look elsewhere because this is uninspired horseshit.

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Branded to Kill

Uber Cool, Surrealist Gangster Flick...

(Edit) 18/02/2023

Just wanted to implore anybody considering renting 'BRANDED TO KILL' to please do so because this is a film experience of rare quality. A stunningly stylish gangster flick that begins quite conventionally and slowly drifts into the surreal, this movie is peppered with great action sequences, absurdist humour and an effortless cool that boggles the mind.

I guarantee, you ain't seen anything quite like this before. In my opinion, a truly great film.

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Spellbinding Lunacy....

(Edit) 06/01/2023

Thank you Cinema Paradiso for enabling me to stumble upon this absolute delight of a movie.

I'd never heard of 'Hausu' before but having been enticed by the films synopsis and being a fan of the more left-field and surreal end of the cinematic spectrum, I was interested to check it out... So glad I did because this film is freaking awesome.

For me it was a sort of a Japanese mash-up of 'Evil Dead 2' meets 'Sesame Street' with some of the most inventive and head spinning visual techniques on display.

'Hausu' is an barn-storming riot of pure cinematic joy and utter lunacy... It's a wild ride and I loved it. Cheers.

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Female Prisoner No. 701: Scorpion

Insanely Kinetic and Inventive Japanese Exploitation Gem...

(Edit) 25/08/2022

I just wanted to implore anybody vaguely interested in renting 'FEMALE PRISONER #701: SCORPION' to please do so because you'll be guaranteeing yourself a truly unforgettable experience.

Don't dismiss this stunning achievement as yet another mere sexploitation, women-in-prison yarn because this flick contains more cinematic invention and jaw-dropping visual gymnastics than anything else I've witnessed in the genre.

Go on, give it a whirl and you won't be disappointed.

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