Film Reviews by RB

Welcome to RB's film reviews page. RB has written 14 reviews and rated 188 films.

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Only the River Flows

Ponderously paced and seemingly shot on an old cine camera

(Edit) 16/02/2025

This ‘film’ is more like an in-house work film by a particularly tedious employee. The first ten minutes was concerned with a police meeting and for reasons never explained, moving their office into an abandoned cinema, you know, as they always do. This was the cue to film desks being moved, boxes opened and another ten minutes of tedium as the police just generally looked round, all filmed on a camera that must have been salvaged from a skip and recorded on surplus communist nineteen forties film. During yet another section of filming anything nearby that seemed interesting ( a building site-perhaps the camera man was five) I turned it off. Haven’t the Chinese ever seen a film before? Maybe books on film structure and plotting are banned? Audio and recording equipment certainly seem to have been. 

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Punch-Drunk Love

Meandering and seemingly pointless

(Edit) 16/02/2025

Adan Sandler- that should have been warning enough for me. This film seems to have no plot at all, in fact none of the scenes even seem to relate to one another. I didn’t care enough about the utterly tedious story or unconvincing characters to stick around to find out if the garage next door would have time to repair the woman’s car, or what became of the abandoned keyboard. 

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Perfect Days

Slow moving and mundane- but it draws you in

(Edit) 16/02/2025

If you’re used to action films then this is not for you. It follows a toilet cleaning man on his rounds over a few weeks, but in that time the little connections he makes to people and work mates unfold and draw you in. 

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The Northman


(Edit) 08/11/2023

I managed to get to the second long winded and boring ‘ceremony’ scene before switching off. There is only so much chanting round fires I can sit through. 

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Asteroid City


(Edit) 28/10/2023

pretentious wank. The deliberate and protracted efforts to highlight the artificiality of the situation make it impossible to engage in the story.

As another reviewer has mentioned, the in-house reviewer should be fired. Is there anything they won’t give 5 stars to?

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Pretensions and dull

(Edit) 10/07/2023

For as long as I could stand watching this, it only consisted of a dry and dull interview, which occasionally referenced someone else I have never heard of. Maybe of interest to a classical music fan but of scant interest to anyone else. There are plenty of films on esoteric subjects or people that are engaging and inclusive. This isn’t one of them.

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Empty and meaningless spectacle without feeling or direction

(Edit) 10/07/2023

Every scene of this indulgent bloated film seems to have tried to outdo the previous one. It almost instantly loses touch with reality but the greater the madness the less the viewer cares. The acting is terrible, even from the A list actors too. Imagine a film riveted by an eight year old boy on coffee and sweets and you get close to this nonsense. 

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The Green Knight

Pretentious and boring

(Edit) 30/07/2022

Did I mention it was boring? I did? Well it’s also pretensions too. I can’t spin this out to 100 character, it really did signify nothing, vacuous pontificating twaddle 

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The Matrix Resurrections

Pretensions bilge

(Edit) 14/06/2022

I’m sick of equally pretentious Cinema Paradiso reviews distorting the real reviews from customers. The films terrible and everyone else who’s seen it knows it

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First Cow

Self indulgent rubbish

(Edit) 19/10/2021

The first shot is a tortuously long one of a ship traveling up a river, then a woman discovers a skeleton. Cut to protracted shots of more boats and a dog sniffing it’s arse and we are back to the now uncovered skeleton (heaven knows why she doesn’t call the police). Now it’s a flashback to some appalling bad acting and the realisation than the whole film is shot on a blurry old camera in a strange orientation. I gave up at that point. If the actors and director can’t be bothered then I’m afraid I can’t either.

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Black Box

Memorable, but not in a good way.

(Edit) 14/09/2021

Acting that would shame an amateur dramatics society, a script that veers between the unintentionally hilarious (Swindon space control) and jarringly unrealistic, this is a truly terrible film. I expect the only way it was made was because the whole budget was £500. I made it only to the ten minute mark.

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The Assistant

Understated and intelligent, just not very enjoyable

(Edit) 06/10/2020

I’m sure this was a very cathartic process for someone, but ultimately it’s not great entertainment, especially for anyone who works in an office. It is however well made and we’ll acted 

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The Souvenir

pretentious and vapid

(Edit) 04/07/2020

The BBC makes so few films, it’s incomprehensible that they should chose to make this. Signifying nothing, saying nothing, it’s not even shot well

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Journey's End

No budget tedium

(Edit) 23/10/2018

Manages to perfectly capture the boredom of the trenches by virtue of having nothing happen during the whole film

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