Film Reviews by GP

Welcome to GP's film reviews page. GP has written 2 reviews and rated 4 films.

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(Edit) 13/10/2020

Heard this film described as " Shakespearian" and a clash between two families separated by class & wealth. It is more a sad tail of a family on the make willing to sacrifice everyone of whatever class to their needs. Their callousness towards everyone else removes any real humour from the film and also completely removes any sympathy we initially have for them. I was expecting something far more interesting and was profoundly disappointed

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London Has Fallen

Torture is ALWAYS wrong Unfortunately I seem unable to remove this one star given in error.

(Edit) 07/01/2017

My wife & I stopped watching this film after 30 min as it seemed to glorify the "Goodies" torturing the " baddies". I would advise anyone with a conscience to awoid this film

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