Film Reviews by JR

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This Is Where I Leave You


(Edit) 09/07/2015

Quick review coming up. Not as funny as it looks on the advert, in fact not that funny full stop!

I didn't make it to the end of this movie. Not because it's truely terrible in general, but as soon it becomes obvious the main character is going to forgive his wife for cheating on him for a year because she is going to have his baby I turned off in disgust! What a load of Hollywood BS!

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The Originals: Series 1

Lame and contrived

(Edit) 11/06/2015

I admit I didn't watch the whole series because this is dreadful juvenile rubbish. Cheesy script, no imagination, contrived rubbish.

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Arrow: Series 2

Batman but not as good!

(Edit) 07/03/2015

Basically the Arrow is Batman in green. He prefers to use his bow almost exclusively, but has his mini team helping with the high tech stuff. Like Batman he's a rich guy who decides to dress up and fight crime, it's fun super hero fluff.

The first series of Arrow was good, a solid 4 stars, the second series is more like 3.5 stars really. The main characters are good and very likeable still, but the second series is already starting to struggle. Like so many series of this type it is already falling into the trap of upping the anti so much that it seems unfeasable for the good guys to win.

It doesn't help that Arrow is annoyingly beaten in pretty much everything he tries to do in series two. He often loses in fights, he fails to negotiate / persuade anyone even when it's a no-brainer, and he always seems to be second to get to an important destination just after the bad guys.

Having said all this, it still manages to be reasonably fun watching as long as you don't think too hard about it and go with the flow.

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Sleepy Hollow: Series 1

Supernatural with a theme

(Edit) 24/02/2015

The more I watched Sleepy Hollow the duller I found it. In fact I'm writing this review while I semi-watch the last episode, that's how bored I am with it!

There's nothing specifically wrong with it, the two main characters are likeable and Ichabod Crane is amusing in places, but somehow it hasn't grabbed my imagination, unlike the first several seasons of Supernatural that covers similar unbelieveable themes. I think the main problem is that it rarely manages to build any tension, so you never really think the main characters are in any danger. It's all a little too obvious and predictable.

Maybe Sleepy Hollow is aimed at a younger audience than me. I think if I was watching it as a teenager I would have loved it, but as a cynical 40 year old it misses the mark.

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300: Rise of an Empire

More 300

(Edit) 24/02/2015

Like the first movie, a load of gory stylized violence. If that's you're cup of tea I'm sure you'll like it, otherwise don't bother.

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Tucker and Dale vs. Evil


(Edit) 11/02/2015

This is a superb tongue in cheek horror comedy. It has the nice twist of the dodgy looking rednecks not being the stereotypical psychos they are usually portrayed as. For fans of the genre it's a classic must see.

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Transformers: Age of Extinction

Way Way Too Long

(Edit) 23/11/2014

If you like the Transformers movies in general you will like this one, it's basically more of the same.

On the positive side it's very well produced, the picture and sound quality are excellent, plus it's the first movie available with a Dolby Atmos sound track. Mark Wahlberg gives the film a lift in quality as well.

However on the down side, the story is lacking and despite all the action I found it remarkably boring. Added to that it's almost 3 hours long!

So in conclusion if you like the idea of three hours of silly robot fighting based around a shakey story, and have a really good surround sound system give it a look.

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